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Photo Credit: pinterest.com, source unkown

This is the mayor's kitchen.  It happens to be Graham's least favorite room, since he's not a very good cook, although, he does enjoy morning coffee and breakfast at the island bar on Sunday when his mom comes to make her smiley pancakes for Jesse, who likes to sit on the bar stools and swing his feet while he eats his pancakes..  Imagine how welcoming it would be with a fresh pot of coffee brewing and maybe some cookies baking in the oven.   It's the perfect place to read the morning paper, bright and early.  Just Graham and his coffee before Jesse wakes up. 


 "Is Ray-Ray coming home now?" Jesse asked sleepily as he sat up.

Graham looked to the doctor even as he felt his mother rousing at his side.

"Not tonight. We're keeping her overnight for observation. But you can take her home tomorrow."

"Has she been moved to a room yet?" Mrs. Morgan asked, "Can we see her?"

"Yes, you can see her. But we'll be moving her to a room soon."

As the doctor led the way, Graham followed.

When he rounded the little curtain and saw Ray, his thoughts took him to a bad place. It was probably the mention of his wife...of Pamela...that made him remember...when he followed the doctor back to ...her...to Pamela's body... The memory was vivid and the strength of it hit him with physical force. He swayed and felt his knees get wobbly.

"We'll help you get better, Ray-Ray." Jesse promised her.

At the sound of his son's voice so near his ear, Graham pushed the memories away. Ray. Not Pamela. Ray. Graham remembered to breathe.

"Can I stay here with Ray-Ray?" Jesse asked.

"No honey. But you can help me get a bedroom all ready for her." Mrs. Morgan answered softly.

Graham mouthed THANK YOU to his mother as she took Jesse.

"She might get scared if she wakes up all by herself." Jesse worried. "Can Daddy stay with Ray-Ray?"

"Daddy can stay." Graham answered tiredly. "When she wakes up, I'll tell her you were here."

"Hector wants to stay with Ray-Ray. Can Hector stay?"

Jesse never slept without that silly bear, bless his heart. Jesse held out Hector by one arm. Still not trusting his legs, Graham took the bear and held it between his two hands looking at it reverently as his thumbs stroked the bear's worn belly fur.

"Night Night Daddy. Night Night Hector. Night Night Ray-Ray." Jesse blew kisses.

Graham drew a deep breath. He looked at the bear and back at his son. "Good night baby. I love you."


Graham watched as they unhooked all of Ray's monitors and had to lean on the wall when his knees buckled. Not Pamela. Ray... They pulled the bed into the hall and Graham stepped forward to tuck Hector under her arm before he followed them to the elevator. A nurse arrived before Ray was hooked up to her new monitors. She checked all of the machines, took Ray's vitals, made notes and left quietly.

Graham leaned against the wall and just watched Ray sleeping.

Ray. Not Pamela. It was something of a mantra that helped to keep his mind away from that dark place. She was going to be fine...


Last year, September 22

"Mr. Delosi?" Graham felt a hand on his arm. "Sir?"

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now