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I have never been popular enough to be "a piece of meat", but this was fun to write, just the same.   Here's a bit from my original notes on the chapter--by middle of the new year bash, graham is getting desperate. Daevey has managed to divert focus away from Graham's issues and muddy the campaign with the tabloid press. Graham feels stalked by the press, gawked at by single women who want him (and not necessarily with a wedding ring). The press isn't interested in talking about his accomplishments or even his goals. The gossip is about his various body parts, his love life, and who the next Mrs. Mayor will be.


Arayna very nearly sighed. Graham was devoted to the memory of Pamela. He never glanced at women, although they'd been throwing themselves at him as of late. She noticed the looks of envy and a few looks of pure hatred. Tonight Graham had asked for her help to warn them off. It was a simple thing for her to pretend she was with Graham. She'd done so a million times in her dreams.

Arayna gave herself a mental kick. She wasn't in high school anymore and she needed to see this for what it was. As his friend, she was going to help him run a smoke-screen. It was a common enough ploy.

" okay?"

"I'm sorry." She blushed, embarrassed to be caught woolgathering.

Graham smiled at her with such tenderness that she almost forgot to breath. And then she heard the crowd chanting.




Her heart stopped as she realized what was happening. In a few seconds the New Year would arrive and...


Whistles, horns, and noise makers mixed with cheers and voices singing Auld Lang Syne. She felt someone bump into her but before she could react to it, Graham drew her against him and kissed her.

She grabbed hold of his lapels as her knees went all wobbly. Graham had always been able to make her go wobbly in the knees, but this was ... This was...

Camera's flashed as the New Year's kiss ended. Graham looked down at her closed eyes and parted lips and felt her sway in his arms, but it wasn't her. Gently he lowered his head, touching his forehead to hers. He should step away. He should let his hands drop from her waist but he needed her for balance. It must have been the flashing lights that made him dizzy. He had one drink too many...probably.

Arayna's senses whirled as he ended the New Year's kiss. As she tried to slow her heart, Graham touched his forehead to hers. She reluctantly opened her eyes, afraid it might be the end of her lovely dream, but he was still there. Puzzled, she searched his eyes. Warmth spread through her entire being—warmth that had nothing to do with the alcohol and everything to do with the adoration she saw shining in his eyes.

"Are you ready to get out of here?" he asked, breaking into her thoughts.

"Yes." She whispered as his lips pressed tenderly to her forehead.

Slipping his arm around her waist, he pulled her to his side as they navigated through the merry-makers to the door where he called for his car. Anticipating the evening, he hired a driver for the night. It was one of his better ideas. Kissing Ray Back to the hired driver—it was good because he really was tipsy...he couldn't seem to get his feet to touch the ground. Kissing Ray was...

The driver brought his car around and he opened the door for Ray. She must be tipsy too, because she seemed to teeter on her rather sexy looking heels. He caught her elbow and she blushed prettily as he helped her in. She slid across the seat and he climbed in next to her as cameras flashed all around. She looked adorable with her hair starting to fall in little bits around her face and shoulders...

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now