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Photo Credit: IMDb photo of Richard Armitage (From the look on his face, I have no doubts that he's thinking of what he'd like to do when he gets his hands on Morgan after what Morgan did...)

This chapter is to give a little more depth to James Earl "Jim" Peterson, the long time friend (and former lover) of "Rayn". I built this chapter from bits and pieces of notes that I have in the margins of my handwritten notebooks, on napkins, sticky notes, the backs of receipts, loose bits of paper...anything I had on hand when an idea or thought hit me. Also, it gives you a tiny peek at Arayna's life in D.C. Enjoy!


BONUS Chapter: Jim and Liz in the hotel in the wee hours of the morning on Nov 3, right after the "incident" Jim's POV

"Jim, I realize these accommodations are less than stellar, but considering the circus the media has turned this election into, we were lucky to find any hotel with vacancy!"

"It's fine." Jim threw his bag on the twin bed and frowned at the cigarette burn he noticed in the mustard colored bedspread.

"I know it's fine. I just told you it was fine. But you're obviously brooding about it."

"I am not brooding. Especially about being stuck in this third-rate hotel in the middle of nowhere-in-particular."

"You are being an asshole, you know that?" Liz called Jim on his attitude. "Now sit down and tell me what is wrong with you. You've been...cranky ever since we landed."

With a growl Jim looked up. Liz was glaring at him over her crossed arms. Her hip was cocked and the only thing missing from the pose was the tapping foot. Jim wisely refrained a smile and with a sigh he decided to level with her.

"I told Rayn not to go along with this whatever back in January, but you know how she is when it comes to Morgan. And now look what's happened! The bastard has gone and broken her heart...Again! All I can say for Morgan is that he is damned lucky the flight was long enough that I've had time to get my temper in check."

"Oh? This is you with your temper under control?" Liz rolled her eyes.

"Damn right it is. I'm perfectly civil...for the moment." Jim finished the last in a mumble.

"All sarcasm aside, you'd best keep your head on straight. You promised Rayn-"

"And that's another thing! Why are you two so convinced this is some elaborate set-up? Real-life isn't like those damned soap operas you know, with all those plot twists and back-turns. In real-life, boyfriends cheat-entirely too often, I might add. Why are you two so sure Morgan didn't have an a-"


"Fine..." Jim let his voice trail and huffed. His scorn obvious as he went on after a short pause. "An arrangement then, with this woman?"

"Wow. You just went there." Liz punched him in the arm hard as she walked past him to sit down on the other bed and face him. "He mourned his wife, alone I might add, for three years."

"He cheated on Rayn!" Jim growled. If he hadn't promised Rayn not to make a scene, he'd be in a taxi on his way to Morgan's place

"He did not!" Liz lurched off the bed and Jim leaned back as he flinched. "I know that you don't like Morgan because of the way Rayn got her heart broken, but come on, Jim! Morgan didn't break Rayn's heart. She did that all on her own."

"What!" It was his turn to lean forward. "I was there. I was the one who held her while she cried over that..."

"Be careful Jim." Liz warned. "The only thing Morgan did was fall in love with his high school sweetheart. Rayn told me she never admitted her feelings for Graham. You're a guy. You know how clueless you can be about feelings."

Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now