Acknowledgments and Authors notes

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The cover photo is altered from pinterest. Source unknowwn.


Once more my little sister had a BIG influence. She's a great sounding board and an incredible source of support. Love you hunnyhays. My other little sister read the draft and helped with feedback. Thank you sabacon. And one other deserves special mention on this one. She's been giving inspiration via private message and always through her in-line comments. I look forward to seeing her on the next page! Thank you PeachesOnTheRun.


While this is a modern story, the town, the people, and the election are entirely fictional. I have taken liberal literary license with the town and my cast of characters.

If you would like to know how I imagined my characters, here is the rather short list of the characters I bothered to cast.

Mayor Graham Morgan: Jonathan Chase

Arayna Delosi: Aisling Franciosi

Bryan Daevey, a.k.a. Mr. Hollywood: Ryan Paevey

Jim: Richard Armitage

Liz: Kristen Kreuk

There's lots more where this came from, so be sure to follow so you don't miss anything!

As always: READS, VOTES and COMMENTS welcome.

I am one of those writers that THRIVES on your interactions with my story. Hate on my villains. Love on my heroines. The more you react and interact, the more inspiration I draw and that always translates to more writing!

See you on the next page!


Evans Creek Book 1: Mister MayorWhere stories live. Discover now