Episode 46: Royalty

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Episode 46: R o y a l t y

"Sera!" Wonho grabbed her into a tight hug as soon as classes were over. After the past few days, she was still out of her normal mood but managed to force on a smile.

She had begged Jin to allow her to continue on with her normal life. The only way Jin allowed them to go back to school is if he installed a tracker on them. After much debate about "privacy" and "being an adult", Sera complied since it was the only thing that would shut him up. Additional to knowing where they are, both Aiko and Sera were given a summoning pass. With the click of a button, Jin would appear right away.

"Where were you yesterday? I got worried and you weren't answering any of my calls."

"Sorry, I had a quick family emergency." She looked up at him with questioning eyes. She hadn't forgotten about Lisa, but for the sake of their two-years, she pushed it aside. Sera believed in trust. She had a lot of trust in him and only expected the same back. If she couldn't trust even Wonho, then her paranoia would have officially won.

"Is everything okay?" His eyes were filled with passionate concern. "Your pops?"

"Yea, no don't worry about it. He was just a bit sick and made a dramatic fuss about it. He's fine now."

"That guy." Wonho scoffed, relaxing with a heavy sigh. "Are you ready for next week?" He quickly changed the subject, placing on a mischievous smirk. He leaned in and whispered, "Hoon's getting the drinks by the way."

A few weeks ago Sera would've been extremely excited about their rebellious plans. However, right now, she was too busy thinking about how to not die before the senior trip. "Really!" She faked excitement. "Can't wait." She looked around herself quickly, keeping her guard up. Now that she was familiar with how Damien and Natella's energies felt, she'd be able to spot them easily.

"What's wrong?" Wonho furrowed his brows. "You're not excited?"

"No! I really am!" Sera gasped, looking back at him. Without warning, he quickly pressed a kiss to her lips.

"Well, get excited. Because I am...and I managed to get the tent to ourselves too. Hoon's going to sleep with the other boys." His eyes narrowed down mischievously. Sera's face flushed red and she averted her eyes, remembering the fresh scenes of the movie in her head. Even though most of her friends weren't virgins anymore, she still wasn't sure if she wanted to follow their example. It was just a huge step for her. The issue was, Sera didn't admit that since she didn't want him to think she wasn't mature enough to handle him. Yet Wonho kept pressuring her by bringing the topic up so she found it hard to voice her true feelings.

"Um, I have to be home a little early today. I'm sorry I can't hang out." She averted the subject.

"What?! Here I am freeing my evening because I felt bad last time when we couldn't hang out. Now you're the one avoiding me." He frowned and let go of her.

"Wait, Wonho. I'm not avoiding you, I just...I need to go back home. I'm still worried about my dad and all that."

"Yeah, okay." He pulled out a cigarette and looked away. Sera followed his example, smoking from her vape instead. She didn't really use it a lot. Most of the time she'd just have it around when she was with her friends or with Wonho since it was trendy lately. But when she wasn't with them and had an overload of stress pile up, she'd occasionally use it.

"Okay," she blew out the last puff and put it away catching Aiko's back walking by the front yard. "I'm going to go." With a quick kiss on his cheek, she ran off to catch up.

"Aiko!" She called out to the boy who hadn't heard her, entering the woods. "Hey, wait up! Aik--" Without warning, a hand covered over her mouth, and a sharp needle threatened to pierce her neck.

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