D-Day: Chaotic Valor

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"Watch out!" A soldier cries, a missile merely missing the boat we were on.

-"Get down!"

"500 yards!" Another soldier yells, attempting to reach the beach.

-"We're gonna have to pull off!"

"No! Stay on mission. You're taking us in!" Turner orders.

"This is one hell of a greeting!" I yell, my heart rate increasing with every word.

"Could be worse! They could spell out "Hello" with airplane smoke in the sky!" Zussman jokes. This was no time for jokes, but it eases my worry just a bit.

"We must've drifted! I can't see the landmarks!" The soldier says, struggling to see through the chaos.

"You heard the lieutenant! Full speed!" Pierson demands.

The boat rocks rapidly back and forth, throwing us around like laundry in a washing machine. I try to keep my balance, but it's hard when the other boats crash into one side, lobbying you to the other. I stumble upon myself and fall into Daniels, and he politely helps me back up, holding my shoulders till I'm able to stand on my own.

"INCOMING!" We hear Turner shout, and a split second later, another missile sends it's way down, right next to our boat, the impact almost tipping us over.

"Holy shit!" I exclaim, completely panicked.

-"Hold tight!"

The rain of missiles and explosions are infinite, and I'm beginning to feel sick from the constant imbalance of the boat.

"Goddamn it!" Daniels shouts.

"200 yards! 20 seconds!" The solider cries, and from just over the ramp, I spot the beach. I inhale sharply, mentally and physically preparing myself before running into the mouth of hell. Turner turns to us and repeats the mission.

"Same mission! Get to the seawall!"

"Kopelsen! James! Get the bangalore to the wire, fast!" Pierson orders, his voice shaking.

-"Everybody ready! Here we go!"

-"Drop the ramp!"

"There's no cover!" The soldier responds.

"That was an order, goddamn it! Drop it!" Pierson shouts back, and so, the ramp falls, and before we could stop, a redirected boat collides with us on the left, knocking me over the side.

"Shit!" I yell, staying low. The gunshots flash before my eyes, and have penetrated many people on the boat already.

"OVER THE SIDE!" I hear Turner yell, and he and Daniels jump over the side of the boat, and pull me up from the arms.

"(L/n), let's go! Keep your head down and keep moving!" Turner demands, and he leads the way.

We cover behind a stake wrapped in barbed wire, and I fall into another soldier, his arm completely removed and his head half-attached to his neck, hanging to one side. My mental preparation did not go as planned. I was less than an inch closer to vomiting. I look up at Turner, who was making the sign of the cross. He opens his eyes and looks down at me.

"Take the bangalore and get to the seawall. We have to clear a path to the bunkers!" He shouts over the chaos, but my head begins to spin, and my hearing begins to fade. I look across to the ocean we just traveled on, and the massacre slowly starts to raise fear in me.

What have I gotten myself into? What have we all gotten ourselves into?

Turner grabs me by your jaw and forces me to look at him.

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