Collateral Damage: Kraut Day Care

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-"You takin' in the sights, Private? The hell you lookin' at?"

My ears are not so lucky to have Pierson's voice being the first thing I hear, but hey, it is what it is.

My eyes begin to open slowly and I scan a torn-apart roof of the building we're covering in, and then my gaze shifts towards the gaping hope Daniels was looking out of. Sunny skies, with a few clouds hovering around the place.

"The sights look just fine to me, Sergeant." I say softly, my head beating in pain.

"Oh, look who's finally awake." He spits, sparing me no mercy.

-"How long was I out for?"

-"It's nearly Christmas, Private. What do you think?"

"Hold the attitude, Pierson. (L/n), you've been wiped out for at least 27 minutes. Aiello refused to leave you behind, so he carried you on his back until we got here. Gotta say, that boy's got strength." Turner explains. I look to Aiello, and he gives me a warm smile.

-"You Alright?"

I lightly touch my head, the texture of soft bandage meet my fingertips.

"Yeh. I can manage. I'm guessing Zussman sewed me up." I smile, looking towards his direction, but he wasn't looking back at me, nor was he smiling.

Something's wrong...

"Yeh. Good thing he has the smallest knowledge of First Aid, or you would've bled to death by now." Stiles comments.

-"Stiles, remember. If you wanna help, just say nothing."

The team snicker quietly as Stiles blushes behind his helmet.

"Right. There's the hotel. We'll need to take the apartment first. Could be swarming with Krauts. We're gonna sweep it to cover our rear, then advance to the hotel. Fall in." Turner explains. As the team gets ready to leave, Daniels helps me up, and we are behind the others. He holds me by my shoulders, making sure I'm supported before I lose my balance.

"Daniels, is Zussman alright? He, doesn't seem like himself, today." I ask him, and he sighs, looking lost too.

-"I don't know, sweetheart. Maybe the war's finally entered his brain, and has taken over his mental state. Who knows?"

-"Daniels, I think I'm alright. You can let me go."

He slowly releases his grip on me, and I gather my balance together and begin to walk on my own. I bring my gun in front of me, and we catch up with the others.

The thought of Zussman never leaves my mind. I wanna know what's wrong with him. He hasn't been like this ever since we got onto the boat to Normandy. Something's not right, and it's pretty obvious.


We make our way through the apartments, no sign of the enemies anywhere. We advance up this wooden plank to the second floor, but we're greeted with a dead-end wall.

"Clear. Daniels, we need that launcher." Turner orders. Daniels pulls out his Launcher, and we all step back, waiting for the impact.

"Watch the back blast." He warns. One single fire and the wall is breached.

"Let's move." Pierson demands, and we advance through the wall. The room is dark and dim, hardly any sunlight illuminating any parts of it.

"I can't see anything." I say, my eyes trying to make out what's in the shade.

Suddenly, our peace is broken. A rain of gunfire come our way, and we hide behind anything that was suitable.

"Germans across! Take 'em out!" Pierson yells, and we open fire to them.

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