Collateral Damage: Sister Retrievement

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"Didn't know you speak Kraut." Aiello sighs as we make our way through the basement back to the ground floor of the hotel.

"There's a lot of things you don't know about me, Frank. You just never ask." I respond.

"Can't believe Turner's making us save civilians. Kraut reinforcements will be here in a whim." He starts. Although he's right, they're still civilians, even though their on our opponent's side.

-"They're civilians, Aiello. They need our help."

-"They can help themselves. What makes us so special?"

-"In case you hadn't noticed, they were crammed up in a basement with no food or drink. They were helpless without us."

-"So what, we're the Jesus of it all?"

-"Swallow the attitude, Aiello. Let's get to that truck, fast."

-"Yeh, yeh..."

We sprint out the hotel from the hole Daniels breached through, and we spot the truck.

-"There's the truck! Come on!"

We make our way to it, keeping our ears open for any signs of attack.

-"Okay. Just need a minute to get this baby started.

Aiello swings the driver's door open and begins to Hotwire it.

Suddenly, a soldier calls out the warning.

-"Movement in those buildings across the street."

I turn to Aiello, and get my gun ready.

-"Get inside and close the door. Stay low and I'll cover you!"

-"Alright! Go on!"

I slide inside the crashed plane, and hide behind pieces of debris inside, and begin to open fire in the buildings opposite.

"Multiple APCs coming!" I warn.

-"Aiello, get it running!"

-"I'm working on it!"

Me and the team continue to let fly, until I spot a panzer leaning against a stack of sacks.

"Make way boys. This panzer's giving hell!" I shout, and reload it. I place the heavy thing onto my shoulders and I hold steady, aiming towards the buildings.

-"Here we go!"

I fire a missile straight into the building, and it begins to crumble to the ground.

"Oh yeah!" I shout. I quickly reload the panzer again, checking in on Aiello.

-"Any minute now, Frank!"

-"I've almost got it!"

And so, I fire another missile, more pieces of the building collapsing to the ground.

Soon, we've cleared the area, and the truck begins it's engine.

-"Alright, it's running! Get on!"

I run over to it, and climb on, and Aiello drives over to the West side of the hotel.

-"You got her running!"

-"Thanks for covering me!"

-"I think they might be regrouping on the North side. We gotta let the squad know, and get these folks out fast."

-"That, or dig in."

-"Too risky. We don't want them caught in the crossfire."

-"Little late for that."

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