Battle of the Bulge: Capsized Anger

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We've been fighting for more than 10 minutes, where's our Air Support???

"Howard! Cover me, I'll contact Rover Joe!" I demand, and he nods.

I shoot one more Kraut down before making my way over to the radio, forcefully picking up the receiver. Once I have contact, I yell through the speaker over the chaos.

-"Rover Joe, Rover Joe! This is Dagwood White 5! We're getting overrun, where the hell is that air support!"

-"Stand by, Dagwood White 5; aircraft inbound 50 miles out, over!"

I sigh, throwing the receiver back down and stuffing the radio into my backpack. Through this chaos, I'm sure as hell we'll never make it back here.

The area is getting too overcrowded, and not by us. By the Krauts. Soon, they'll be surrounding us like a cult.

"We have to fall back! Let's go!" I shout. I run out the CP and everyone else joins me, falling behind the line we started off from, and where Pierson and others were covering fire. I drop myself next to him, and get on the MG.

"Tell me you got that Radio working!" He grants.

"Air support's on it's way!" I respond, firing endlessly at the enemies.

"Get to the left flank! They need our support!" Pierson orders, and we sprint to it, falling behind a brick-wall line about a couple inches high.

I hop onto the available MG, and try my best to push them back, but I'm getting overwhelmed by the more of them coming to us. I switch from left to right, from up to down to try and take down the enemies. The MG doesn't stop firing, and soon, it's out of ammo.

"Shit!" I exclaim, falling back behind the wall and reloading my gun. Once it's reloaded, I go back to firing.

"We're not gonna make it!" I shout, fear beginning to consume a small percentage of me.

"We are! Just keep firing!" Pierson demands.

This sounds just like Kasserine...

After a while, we see a couple of tanks rolling in, but luckily, ours were already inbound for extra support.

"Panzerfausts!" Zussman warns, and Pierson demands not to let them near any of our tanks.

Our tanks roll in together, defending our line and begin to shoot at Krauts, heavily knocking them out.

"They're almost down! Keep going!" I encourage, my focus constantly on the tree line to try and advance the push back. Eventually, the Krauts run back.

"They're retreating!" I announce.

"Like hell! They're re-grouping!" Pierson snaps, and I roll my eyes.

I regroup to Pierson, but pause as I hear a cry for help behind me.

-"Help! Somebody help me!"

That's my call!

I run over to the fallen soldier in the far end of the left flank, take him by the shoulder pads and drag him back.

"I got you!" I reassure.

As I'm pulling his back, I look up and see a Kraut jumping out from their cover, aiming their gun towards me.

"Zussman!" I yell, hoping he'd hear me.

Suddenly, the enemy let it fly, and I fall behind the fallen soldier, but luckily, I was only grazed on the shoulder.

"Christ..." I whisper, seeing blood begin to peak out from my uniform.

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