S.O.E: Team-up with Britain

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Me, Daniels and Zussman are unloading a truck filled with more guns and supplies, until we spot Turner and Pierson at the tail of Davis.

"Looks like something big's happening." I say, dropping another crate onto the grass.

"Must be. Davis is here." Zussman replies, his eyes fixed on them.

We turn around after hearing the sound of Jeep engine pulling up at the other end. A male with slick, neat hair jumps off the drivers side, while a female with a shotgun jumps off the passenger side, both of them strutting towards Davis.

"Is that the SOE?" I ask, curious and a little excited. The British are legendary. They've fought very well in the First World War, from what I heard. They were Allies with France and the US, and the Allies won overall against Germany, Austria - Hungary, The Ottoman Empire and Russia. They're a strong country, and not one to be threatened with.

"Seems so. They don't look American." Daniels says, his eyes following the two Britons.

We carry on lifting the crates out of the truck, until I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Private (l/n), right?" She asks, her gun resting on her shoulder. I stand up straight and lift my helmet to look her in the eyes.

-"Yes, ma'am."

-"I'm Agent Vivian Harris. May I have a minute with you?"

Her British accent was like music to my ears. I've never heard it so high quality before.

"Of course." I say, and leave Zussman and Daniels as we walk side by side around the perimeter.

"I'm impressed by your work so far. You've done what a lot of people could only dream of doing. From Normandy to Marigny. All I have to say is to keep doing what you do." She starts, and I'm a little shocked. I didn't expect such a praise.

-"Thank you, ma'am. It's a great opportunity to work with the SOE."

-"And thank you. So, I hope you don't mind me bringing this up again, but I'm sorry about the incident. I know it's not easy to cope with."


-"Um...I appreciate it, ma'am. I-it was hard, a-actually. But, if you don't mind, how did you find out?"

Her gaze shifts to the ground below her, watching her boots take every step.

"We were ordered to keep an eye on you. Davis has been saying how you've been a little lost in the trauma ever since it happened, that it could potentially get you killed. Don't be offended by it. He's just looking out for you. I'll be happy to make sure you're alright out there, and I'm sure Crowley will be, too." She explains, and I sink slightly.

I don't know if I should feel relieved, or disappointed. I'm happy to know I'm getting more pairs of eyes to make sure I'm doing my job right, but I shouldn't be part of the priority. We have too much to be focusing one, and my trauma should be the least of it.

I stop walking, and Vivian turns around to look at me, a little worried.

-"Ma'am, thank you. But, don't expect much from me. I-I'll be alright."

She raises her eyebrows, a little surprised.

-"Right. Just, holler if you need backup. We'll give you some space for the time being."

We exchange a smile, then my head whips round when I heard Pierson and Crowley's voice echo around the platoon.



-"Rally on Davis!"

"Vivian, thank you for the talk. I look forward to working with you." I say, and give her a salute.

"I, too, Private." She replies, and salutes back, then we head over to Davis and he others.

Crowley drops a file filled with pictures of a steam train, with boxes loaded onto the body, and Davis begins the briefing.

"Agents Vivian and Crowley will lead the operation. They've been working with the Resistance for months and know the terrain well. You'll defer to them." David begins, confidence and pride in his face.

Crowley steps in, pointing at the picture.

-"This is no ordinary German supply train. It's a fortress in wheels. Our liaison in the Resistance, Rousseau, will provide support if possible, but attacks on their network could mean we're on our own."

Davis rests a hand on Turner and Pierson's shoulders, looking at every one of us.

-"The fate of Paris, is in your hands."


The sky turns into a beautiful orange-pink colour, as the sun lowers itself slowly into the west. We're in New Argentan, and we are staying low to avoid being seen by any of the Krauts.

We're in this hidden roadway next to a mini cottage, and we all pile up against the sides, avoiding the main isle.

"Reminds me of the time we parachuted into Vercor. Ambushed that Gestapo patrol." Vivian starts, and Crowley huffs, shaking his head.

-"You're just an old romantic."

The horn of the steam train sends itself through the air, and we spot it at a fair distance, the grey smoke releasing itself into the sky.

-"Alright, there's our target."

Pierson turns himself around, giving us a satisfied nod.

-"You gotta give those Krauts some credit. Train's right on time."

"Biggest train I've ever seen! Thickest armor too!" Daniels exclaims, obviously impressed.

"It's a panzerzug. Those V2s have a range of 200 miles. More than enough to hit Paris. We can't let it reach the launch site." Vivian explains, before Pierson quietly shushes her.

-"Sh! Enemy movement up ahead."

Crowley and Vivian slowly move ahead, and Crowley turns his attention to us.

-"Alright, Vivian and I will take them out. Turner, that will be your signal to advance."

And with that, Turner crouches in front of me, Daniels and Zussman.

-"(L/n), since you, Daniels and Zussman were so gung'ho at Marigny, you'll provide the with fire support. Alright, let's go!"

So we advance, slowly following behind Crowley and Vivian, until we huddle against the sides again.

"Take out the sniper. Use your knife, (l/n)." Crowley orders, so I creep towards the Kraut slowly, and hold onto my knife on my side pocket.

Once I inch closer and closer to him, I use my left hand to cover his mouth, and inject the knife straight into the side of his throat, dropping him slowly onto the ground.

-"Well done, (l/n)! Now the officer. On your go."

Let the battle of the Train begin.

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