Collateral Damage: The Bombardment

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We thought with the liberation with Paris we'd be one step closer to home, but our troubles are just beginning. We're fighting in a city now. Aachen. Krauts got a death grip on it and for good reason. We're drilling a hole clear through their Western border. David has us going block by block, house by house. Knock 'em all down he calls it. Turner and Pierson ain't seen eye to eye since we got here. The grind's taking a toll on us all.

As Zussman stops the car, we climb out, and I yawn widely, exhausted and lacking the sleep.

"Time for more beans and bullets." He says. Our heads whip round to the sound of Turner giving Pierson some.

-"If I tell you to do it, it is the goddamn mission!"

Me and Daniels turn away, but Zussman's attention was fixed. I march to him and place a hand on his chest, pulling him back before they catch us staring.

-"Zuss, let's go."

I flinch and scrunch my face up at the sound of Pierson's howl, pushing Zussman slightly harder.

-"Hey, pick up the pace! We gotta hit CP by nightfall!"

Zussman turns and heads over to the truck and begins to unload it. As I help him, Aiello smacks me in the face with an orange envelope lightly, and laughs.

-"That got me awake. Thanks, Frank."

-"Actually, it's not yours."

-"Who's it for?"

I pick up a crate, and follow Aiello over to Daniels, who hurls a crate too.

"Hey. Found this lying around. It's from your girl." Aiello says as he tosses the letter onto Daniels' crate. Daniels sighs, and looks at Aiello, looking like he's close to punching him.

-"Thought I told you not to go through my things.

-"What kind of chump doesn't open a sugar report?"

I drop the box, and walk up to Stiles, who was reading the name on the back.

-"Uh, the kind who thinks it's a Dear John. See the address? She wrote 'Daniels' not 'Red'. Only one reason to be so formal. Hate to say it. I think she's cutting you loose."

A Dear John letter is a letter to a soldier that announces the end of a relationship. I really hope that isn't the case. Daniels and Hazel have been together for a while, and have amazing chemistry. What went wrong?

I shake my head towards Stiles, who shrugs his shoulders obliviously.

-"Real supportive, Stiles. Real supportive."

He tips his helmet up, looking like he's been taken aback.

-"Or hey, maybe it's like Schrodinger's letter. You know? You don't open it, she's still your girl!"

Daniels sighs before walking away with a sulking-face, and me and Aiello smack Stiles around the head. His logic gives us a serious migraine.

"Maybe it's like Schrodinger's letter!' What's wrong with you?" Aiello questions, disappointment written all over his face.

"Stiles, next time, if you wanna help, don't say anything. Okay, honey?" I plead, and he rubs the back of his head.

"Quite screwing around! We hit the state theatre at 0730 tomorrow!" Turner yells. Pierson really must have gotten under his skin. I've never seen Turner so angry. He gives each of us a glare, before storming off. Zussman whistles lowly, his eyebrows raised high.

-"Everybody's got their limits."

We all exchange looks, a little worried.


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