A New Ending

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July 22, 1948. After years of funding and rebuilding, my new bakery named 'Brooklyn's Finest' is finally opening it's doors, and I'm trying my best to get ready for the event...but:

"(F/n)! Where are my earrings?!" Carol yells at me. I barely haven't even gotten my dress on and she's hollering at me for earrings she brought in her suitcase. What a bonehead...

"They're your earrings, Carol! Don't ask me about where they are!" I scold, unzipping my own dress for me to put on. I release a sigh of relief as I hear the conversation go:

-"Found them! These are yours, right?"

-"Oh, yes! Thank you so much, Robert!"

I open my bedroom door and see Zussman give Carol her pair of sapphire and diamond earrings. He laughs as he watches her grab them and put them in immediately, and I scan him as he struts into the room, his eyes never leaving mine.

"Hey, you." He mumbles, looking into the mirror as I do the same. I giggle silly as he wraps his arms around my waist and rests his head on my shoulder, mentally taking a picture of the sight of us two in the mirror.

"Stop it, honey. I need to get dressed and so do you. So far, the lady who loses her earrings she bought herself somehow managed to get ready before we do, so come on." I explain. I grab his hand and lead him to the wardrobe we share, and pull out a neatly ironed dark-grey suit with thin lines of white stitching. He takes the outfit and brushes it, a huge smile forming on his face.

"Didn't know you got me one of these." He exclaims, pulling me in and planting a kiss on my head.

"Put it on! I want to see how handsome you'll look." I urge and I push him into the bathroom. As he gets ready, I do, too. I have a beautiful thin-strapped, wine-red gown with a ribbon tied at the back. It comes with a mesh, red shawl sprinkled with bits of gold. The more I look at it, the more excited I get to wear it.


As I input my earrings and attach my jewellery around my neck, I hear the bathroom door open and I see this tall, spring-green eyed Veteran who makes me nervous that women might start to steal him away from me. As I scan him, he does the same, and I know that we both are mentally undressing each other.

"You look beautiful." He says, almost out of breath. I make my way over to him, and brush his shoulder pads and fixing his hair slightly.

"And you look dashingly handsome." I whisper. Because of my heels, I'm about the same height as him, so it makes it easier for me to look into his pretty eyes that can kill anyone. I slowly wrap my arms around his neck, and lean in to kiss him until Carol decides to burst through the door.

"(F/n)! Oh...sorry." She apologises, but it doesn't help the fact she just ruined a perfectly good moment.

"Carol, knocking is a still thing." I tell her, and she holds her hands up in defeat.

"I would've knocked but it's already 4:10pm. The re-opening starts in less than 15 minutes." She warns, and me and Zussman exchange looks before getting the rest of our stuff and heading out the front door.


"After years of funding and rebuilding, I am proud to announce your favourite bakery's return. I hope you will continue to love our goods as much as we love making them!" I announce on the standing microphone. A roar of cheers and applauds fill the streets, as groups and groups of people come to visit us on the re-opening. It's overwhelming to see so many people who love our bakery. I almost shed some tears.

"Without further ado, the doors to 'Brooklyn's Finest' are now...open!" I proclaim as I snip the red ribbon that runs along the door knobs and unlock the doors, swinging them open to reveal the new and modernised interior of my new bakery. The smell of bread and sweet treats expand to the outside as the crowd forms a sea of cheers and confetti launches into the air. The bakery is big enough to fit everyone in. I haven't wasted these 5 years to just build a small bakery to fit 6-7 customers.

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