Death Factory: Artillery Invasion

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-"I ain't leaving you like this!"

Pierson exhales sharply as I continue to patch up his leg.

"This won't do..." I say, cautious of the crossfire. I run behind him and pull him by the shoulder pads, taking him under the bridge. I try my best, but I'm still struggling.

-"Jesus, Sergeant! You're heavier than you look!"

-"Save it, (l/n)!"

I manage to hide him under the bridge. The handkerchief isn't big enough, so I take my the hem of my jacket, the thin fabric being enough to tear.

"Come on! Tear!" I yell, and with one forceful pull, I tear a strip off, and connect it to the handkerchief.

"Private, leave me! The team needs you!" Pierson orders, and I shake my head viciously.

-"You're the team, and you need me!"

I finally cover his wound tightly to prevent him from bleeding out, and I tap his shoulders courageously, staring him in the eyes.

-"Cover fire from here! Stand whenever you're ready and I'll take the bullet outta you when we have time!"

He stares at me briefly before nodding. I run out from under the bridge, and back to the rest of the team. I see Pierson's gunfire from the top, and I cover with Daniels. Our objective changes in a whim once this announcement is made:

-"Incoming Panzer!"

-"Panzer inbound!"

"Check for mines, grenades, whatever you can find!" Turner demands.

I look towards the end of the bridge, and spot a tank driving it's way through.

"Oh, shit!" I exclaim. I shoot the Krauts around me, and as I try to make my way to the other side of the bridge, I stop as I see a un-touched Launcher leaning on the side.

-"There's no other way!"

I throw my gun behind me and haul the Launcher into my hands, reloading it. I place it steadily onto my shoulder, and begin to sprint to the end of the bridge. I hear my platoon protesting, but the closer, the more damage, right?

-"(L/n)! Not too close!"

-"Get back, Private!"

-"Private, it's too dangerous!"

I drop to my knees as I sprint and I slide to the front where the MG was, and with a steady focus, I launch a missile into the flank of the tank, destroying it with one, single shot.

-"Fuck yeah!"

Soldiers cheer and howl as I run back to grab more ammo, spotting more tanks incoming.

"Alright, (f/n)! Make these count!" I say to myself.

I run back to the front, and blow another missile, destroying another tank.

Missile after missile, the tanks are soon destroyed, and the Krauts are left to deteriorate. Victory, for now, is ours.

"Good work, (l/n). First platoon, rally on me!" Turner announces. Everyone goes to Turner, back I make my way over to Pierson under the bridge, who is forcing himself to stand up.

"Sit down." I order, getting my knife ready. Pierson shakes his head, knowing exactly what I'm going to do.

-"Dear God, Private. We don't have time."

-"Now's our only chance. You sit down and let me take that thing out of you, or you pass out from the extreme loss of blood. Your choice."

He gladly listens, and rests himself back onto the mud. I rip the handkerchief off his leg, strings of thick blood connecting his wound and the material. He hisses as the pain begins to seep through him. Turner runs down, asking me what happens and I explain in a nutshell.

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