Death Factory: Strength and Will

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"(L/n)? Wake up! You gotta keep moving!"

Zussman? I hear his voice.

"Zuss?" I whisper, reaching out my hand. I look around the area around me, and I see no sign of him anywhere.

My eyes are heavy. I must have passed out. I scan the area again, and it's still the same gut-wrenching scenery.

I know I'm hearing things, but that brief sound of Zussman's voice in my head tells me to carry on. Hearing his voice, motivates me. Drives me to move forward.

I take my hands and push myself up from the ground slowly, and I grunt as my aching-body tells me the opposite. I force myself onto my knees, and move towards the fallen soldier, turning him over.

Peter Price, a polite, quiet man I trained with at Basic. We barely spoke, but we shared many moments together, whether it was gunfire practise or hauling crates or dissing the mess hall's food.

"Peter? Oh, dear god!" I cry, placing my hand against his cheek. I take his dog tag from around his neck, and press my lips against it, tying the chain around my wrist. The tag swings itself back and forth melancholically, his name glistening in the light of the flames.

"You fought well, Peter. Lisa's blessed to of had a man like you." I say. Lisa is his beautiful, kind-hearted wife. This news will crush her...

I steal Peter's gun from beside him, and give him one more, honourable look before stumbling through the forest to look for any of my comrades.


The deeper I go into the forest, the more hopeless I become as I see no sign of my comrades anywhere. As I venture further, I hear the sounds of German troops, and I hide behind a high bush. I peep through the branches, and see two of our men at the hands of the Krauts.

-"Please, we surrender!"

I gasp quietly as the Kraut lights them on fire with a flamethrower, more vexation arousing in me.

There are so many enemies, and only one of me, so I need to get through their camp quietly and stealthily before I get myself killed.

I slowly creep around the sides, hiding behind these tall, pillar-like stones from time to time if I see a Kraut making their way towards me. Once it's clear, I carry on. As I check my rear and turn back to face forward, I bump into a German soldier, and my eyes widen as panic fills me. His mouth hangs open as he attempts to warn the other soldiers, but I knock him out before he can make a sound.

I'm almost at the exit, and I throw myself over the hedge and sprint as far from the camp as I can. I come across this small, guarding hut that the Krauts built to patrol the area, and it's oddly peaceful.

I open the metal door softly as it creeks and echoes through the room, and I creep inside. Once it's affirmative that it's clear, I search for any ammo, grenades, smokes or anything that I've lost on my fall.

In the corner of the room, I spot a box with the title "gun ammo" written on the front in German, and I head over it, picking up as much as I need.

All of a sudden, I feel a hand around my mouth and an arm around my waist, holding me tight. I scream and flail about, until a familiar voice calms me down.

-"Sh! It's me, Private. It's me!"

I stop resisting, and as they let me go, I turn around and see my saviour, his trusting eyes on mine. I throw my arms around him, giving him a quick embrace before releasing.

"Turner! Thank god!" I whisper.

-"How'd you find me?"

-"You suddenly went missing, so I told the team to carry on while I look for you. The perimeter isn't far from here, so we better get going."

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