D-Day: The End Of The Bloody First

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"Take a left, Daniels!" I order, making sure he's following me. French Soldiers come in from the left and the right. The bunkers are filled with them, even though we cleared it out. A maze of never-ending torture. Daniels is struggling, trying to drag the severely injured Zussman to safety. Zussman is more petite than the other guys, but he sure is difficult to lug around.

"How you doing, Daniels?" I concern, seeing from the corner of my eye that he's stumbling slightly.

"I shouldn't be the one your asking." He responds.

"Zuss, just hang on, buddy. Just a little longer!" I announce.

"Keep going, princess. I can manage!" I hear him yell, and I smile at the nickname.

-"I'm taking a right, Daniels!"

I turn the corner, to spot an enemy on the ground, searching for a gun. His head darts up, and once we lock eyes, his searching pace quickens. I aim my gun towards him, but instead of a bone-shaking bullet piercing through the air, a spine-shivering click was heard instead. The click no soldier wants to hear when addressing an enemy.

"Fuck! Daniels, I'm empty!" I shout.

"Behind you!" He replies, and he throws me his handgun. I keep a eye on the soldier, and once the gun was in my possession, he found his own. I reload the gun as fast as lightning, and before the enemy could point his gun at me, I speedily fire a bullet straight into his neck, and he collapses onto the ground. I sigh a relieved breath, but become alerted by Daniels voice again.

"(L/n), six o'clock!" He yells, and I spin 180 degrees on my heel and shoot the soldier in front of him and Zussman, panicking that I almost lost those two.

"Clear! Let's go!"


"I see the shelter. We're almost there!" I exclaim, as I carry on killing the infinite German men.

Once I send the last soldier to Purgatory, we reach the medic shelter. It was a heartbreaking sight. Many soldiers crying and grunting in pain. My heart cracks into tiny pieces, each piece falling apart, one by one.

"Daniels, over here." I call, and he lays Zussman on an empty space on the ground. I sit on my legs, and place Zussman's head on my lap, holding the knife wound with my right hand.

"I need morphine!" He wheezes, and Daniels sticks a syringe with into his leg.

"Look at me, Zuss!" I say, but his eyes look heavy, and I begin to panic.


I look around for a vacant soldier, but they all seem occupied.

-"Goddamn it! Where is everyone?"

"(L/n), there'll be one here soon." Daniels reassures.

-"Like hell!"

"Didn't think this shit would hurt so bad!" Zussman whines, causing another cracked piece of my heart to break away.

"You gotta hang on. Those girls in Paris are waiting for you!" I tease, hoping he'd stay awake.

-"Really? What about you, eh? You gon' wait for me?"

-"Ha! Any day, Zuss."

-"Daniels! How...'bout another look at your girl? Huh? Haha..."

"You kidding me?" Daniels chuckles.

"That's okay, I-I can't see shit. I'm gonna rest, r-right here." Zussman wearily says. I hold his chin, and his spring-green eyes lock with mine.

"Hey, no. You have to stay awake." I plead, watching as his eyes begin to close.

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