Liberation: Cat Into The Wolf's Den

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It's been a week since we took out that train. Our platoon's in the middle of Paris working with the Resistance. Rousseau and Crowley have a plan to sabotage the occupation, and that means striking at it's heart.

I drop myself next to Aiello, as he, Stiles, and some members of the Resistance start a game of poker.

"Oh, jesus, here we go again with the betting, Frank." I whine. He puts out his cigarette and fans out his cards, whistling cockily.

-"These French men better watch what I'm throwing at 'em!"

Since I'm not in the mood for playing, I scoot closer to him, and take a look at his cards. He's not kidding. A "four of a kind" hand.

"It's only your luck tonight, Frank. Don't disappoint me." I tease, our eyes connecting once we look away from his hand of cards.

"I'd never disappoint you, sweetheart." He replies, his thick, Italian-American accent making me giggle.

-"How's that leg of yours? Still being a bitch?"

-"It's only been a week, but it seems to be doing just fine for now. What about yours? The dog bite not killing you yet?"

-"Haha, very funny. It's holding in. Medic Coleman managed to tape me up just fine."

-"That dog just couldn't resist you. He looked at you like you were a full-course meal."

Aiello laughs heartily, and places a hand on my injury, his puppy-dog eyes scanning my face.

-"You really know how to make a man laugh in stressful times."

I hear Rousseau telling the men to follow as she leads the way. Me and Aiello exchange one more look before following her.


Rousseau swings the door open and we are greeted by a beautiful but melancholic scenery of Paris, the night sky splattered with twinkling stars and the dancing, luminous lights from the Nazi's perimeter.

"The Garrison is run by SS-Und Polizeiführer Heinrich. When he couldn't find me, he came for my parents. Then my husband. And finally, my son. Tonight, everything we've lost, everything we've fought for, will mean something. Tonight, we take back out city." Rousseau preaches, the motivation boosting my confidence.

Crowley points far off into the distance, continuing her explanation.

-"The Garrison. Our contact there will provide us with explosives. And when we blow the gates, that'll be your signal to approach."

-"We're counting on you."

Turner turns his attention to us, and nods with an affirmative look on his face.

-"Alright, soldiers. Let's get ready."

I walk with Daniels and Zussman, and I sigh in fear. Rousseau and Crowley had put me as one of the under-covers, so I don't know what to expect. Despite knowing French, I have also studied German, but the boys don't know that yet.

"These Krauts ain't gonna give up easy." Zussman starts. Daniels chuckles, and I just nod in agreement, my head still stressed out with the mission.

"I figured if we can survive Pierson, we can survive anything." Daniels replies. Crowley takes him by the shoulders, and we stop walking.

-"I fought alongside him at Kasserine. We should all be so brave."

We all exchange looks, knowing about Pierson and his Kasserine incident.

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