The Rhine: The Search Begins

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Me and the platoon are cramped up in the back of one of the trucks, our vehicles getting closer and closer to the bridge of the Rhine. Zussman's on the other side, but if we want him back, we gotta take the bridge, first.

Pierson leans closer to me, patting me lightly on the back for extra reassurance. It seems that, ever since we threw aside our differences back at the camp, he's grown softer on me. I guess he can't stand thought of letting me go after knowing my desperation to find Zussman is so far up the chart, just like his desperation of saving his men back at Kasserine Pass. He gets me, and I get him.

"You talked some sense into me, Private. Don't ever do that again." He jokes, his mouth beginning to form into a small smirk. I do nothing but smile and lightly squeeze his hand, my version of extra reassurance.

-"Alright, there she is. The last bridge over the Rhine.

"We get this convoy across, we're in the heartland. We'll bust them open!" I continue, fixing my helmet as it topples with the truck.

"Look, it's all or nothing. It's all been leading to this." Aiello adds, giving all of us a confident look.

I look over to Daniels, who stares at the moving trees, lost in his thoughts.

"Hey." I snap him out of his head. His eyes avert to mine worriedly.

"Hey, don't be afraid. We'll get our boy out together. Me and you, you and me, and us." I explain as I show him the platoon around the truck. In this tragic weather, I can see small tears forming in his eyes and his gives me the biggest smile ever since the day I met him at Basic.

Our pride cuts short as a missile shoots straight into one of our tanks, creating a huge, colossal bang that shifts the rest of the vehicles off-track slightly. Following that comes a barrage of gunfire from the other side of the Rhine.

"Hold tight!" Pierson warns, and we all duck down. Some of us are lucky enough to take cover, while some of us, aren't so lucky.

The truck comes a halt, and the tires skid and stop just in front of a huge dugout, and we all follow Pierson as he hops out and lands inside. Once first platoon is inside, Pierson begins the objective.

"We gotta secure the bridge entrance!" He starts, and I nod, my Corporal duties coming to play once again.

"Yes, Sergeant! Come on!" I tell Aiello and Stiles who advance before us. Before I could leave the dugout, Pierson pulls me gently by the arm and tugs me downwards.

"Don't make me regret giving you a second chance." He warns, and I give him a confident look.

"You know I won't, Sarge. Let's go!" I enlighten. I move ahead before him, and I look back making sure he's okay.

Instead of moving straight to the bridge entrance, we move round to this upper hill while the convoy cover for us. But as we advance up that hill, the Krauts do the same from the opposite side, and meet us in the middle.

"Take cover!" I demand, and we open fire to those bastards.

All of a sudden, an idea pops into my head.

The Krauts in front of us will be out-numbered if we push forward.

I got it!

I tap Aiello and Terrance's shoulder and they follow me to the left flank where Pierson, Stiles and Daniels are covering fire, and we huddle behind a huge rock while the rest of the platoon covers for us, and the team are all ears.

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