Death Factory: The Attack at the Bridge

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I grab a cup of coffee, and make my way to Daniels' tent. I spot Zussman on my way there, and it's time to ask him about Aachen properly.

"Zuss. Can we talk about Aachen?" I ask, and he sighs, bringing me to a more closed area of the forest so we won't be interrupted.

"Go on." He says.

-"Zussman, Aiello had to save me, alright? Please don't take it to heart, he didn't want me to die."

He scratches the nape of his neck, thinking about what to say next.

-"I guess you're right. I'm sorry I acted that way. I was just a little..."


He looks at me, and rolls his eyes before nodding. I laugh and pull him in for a hug, rubbing his back warmly, and he returns the favour.

"Come on. The boys are waiting for us." I say, and take him by the arm as we walk to Daniels' tent.

As we enter, the atmosphere is quiet, and oddly suspicious. Daniels read his letter in peace, his eyebrows furrowed and looking confused.

"If it's over, we're here for you, pal." Zussman starts, leaning against the pole holding the tent up. I place myself next to Daniels, and look ahead, avoiding reading the letter.

"Tried to warn ya'." Stiles comments.

"College, let the man speak." Aiello responds, and Stiles quickly shuts his mouth.

Daniels takes one sharp inhale, before announcing:

"She's pregnant."

We all look at each other in disbelief and happiness, a smile forming onto our faces.

"Woah! Hey! That's huge!" Zussman celebrates, patting his friend on the back.

"Alright! Daniels is gonna be a daddy." Aiello teases, dropping his drumsticks next to him. I wrap an arm around Daniels' shoulders and hug him tight.

-"Congrats, Daniels!"

He stays quiet, not a smile or a frown on his face. Just...blank.

"She was tryin' to let me know but...I wasn't ready to hear it." He says, his voice low and calm, but not the peaceful calm. The more, scared-worried kind of calm.

Me and the boys exchange looks, and I stare at Zussman and nod my head towards Daniels. Luckily, he catches my throw.

-"Alright. I could use another cup o' joe. Come on you mooks, let's give 'em some space."

Aiello and Zussman begin to leave the room, but Stiles stays still, oblivious.

-"But I don't want coffee."

-"Sure you do."

"Stiles. Please?" I say, and he gets up and joins Aiello and Zussman outside.

I scoot closer to Daniels and hold his hand, trying to catch his attention.

"What's up, Red?" I ask.

"I'm worried, (l/n). It's one thing to be afraid if I go home and she's not there waiting for me. It's another thing to not be there when she's having the baby. It's a pile o' bricks on my shoulders." He explains. I nod, taking in the information. I take my other hand and run it across his back.

-"On the bright side, at least you have something to look forward to once this shithole is over and done with, eh?"

He shrugs. Bless him. This news must've drained the blood right out of his body.

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