The Rhine: We Return

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Another week goes by, and not a single day has passed without me thinking about Zussman. It's never been this hard to accept the situation. I go home in 3 days, and this is my chance to see my family, and sort out my bakery. But...I can't. Not without knowing Zussman is in safe hands.

I can't do it...

"Woah, what are you doing?" Aiello question's worriedly, holding my shoulders in each of his hands. I'm a couple of steps away from entering Pierson's tent before Aiello and Stiles decide to stop me.

"What does it look like? I reply, knocking his hands off me.

"Suicide." He throws back. I try to get past them, but they hold me back again.

"I wouldn't go in there. Pierson's been hitting the sauce." Stiles warns, fixing his glasses shakily. I push both of them back gently and they refuse to hold me back any more.

"Stay out of this, boys." I order, and I march into the tent.

The sight is hard to see. Pierson's sunk in his seat with his whiskey tight in his hand. He looks like he's deep in his thoughts, so I don't blame him. But I'm taking our boy back even if it kills me.

I storm towards him, and he looks up at me, before chuckling lowly and shaking his head.

"You've gotta be fucking kidding me." He mumbles under his breath, the care of me standing right in front of him, inexistent.

"I'm not giving up on Zussman." I start, and he takes another swig from his canister.

-"Tell it to the chaplain cuz I got no room for a Second who can't follow orders."

"You weren't following orders when you refused to abandon those boys at Kasserine." I snap. I'm making sure I say everything I want to say before I regret saying nothing at all.

He stands up slowly, waving his pointing finger at me at a loss for words.

"What did you just say to me?" He questions, stumbling drunkly around the tent. I stand in my position, unflinched.

-"You heard me."

-"You better leave while you can still walk."

-"Davis told me. It wasn't your fault, you were only trying to do what you felt was right-"

Suddenly, the palm of his hand hits itself straight into my left cheek, and I fall onto the floor. I can't believe he just hit me...just like that. He's never hit anyone in his platoon before.

I wipe my mouth, forcing myself back onto my feet to fight back again. I'm not giving up, even if it's Pierson. At this point, I ain't scared of anyone.

"Get out. I said get out!" He yells, but I don't move.

"I'm not going anywhere." I snap. He begins to throw another smack, but my words stop him from going any further.

-"I love him, Sergeant! I care about Zussman more than I care about myself! I don't know if you've felt this way about anyone before, but know that I won't give up on him until the day I die! He's a risk worth taking!"

He stands there for a brief moment, before lowering his hand and dropping back onto his seat, sighing.

"My orders were to fall back. But I just couldn't leave them. I told my men we were gonna hold this pass until reinforcements got here but they never came. They never came. So I guess you're right. I did get my men killed. Now leave." He demands, pointing to the exit, but I shake my head.

"Not without my platoon." I respond, but he scoffs.

-"You think you got some guts, don't ya? Try and get the job done; day in and day out while your men are dying all around you."

He goes to leave himself, but I take my chance to finally pour it out on him.

-"Turner would've never given up like this-"

"Turner is dead!" Pierson yells and he grabs my collar and pushes me back until I fall onto the chair behind me. I knock his hand away and he stumbles backwards, his eyes dark with rage.

"Make that mean something." I persist. He's silent, so I continue.

-"No sacrifice too great."

"You don't know shit about sacrifice." He bites back.

He thinks I don't know shit? I'll show him everything I know.

"I don't? You think I don't? What about this then, huh?!" I howl, pulling out my discharge papers and crumpling it as I grip it tightly.

-"Discharge papers signed by Davis himself. I can go home. I can be with my sister, have my bakery back in my hands and live a normal life again! But no..."

I take the papers between my hands, and with one swift move, I tear it up, and repeat the action until the document is in pieces that cannot be put back together.

-"I have one mission left to complete."

"You must be crazy." Pierson sighs. I scoff, following him as he paces around the tent.

"Crazy ain't the half of it." I respond. He stands there and stares at me, disbelief written in his eyes.

"You're a huge pain in the ass." He starts and I roll my eyes, refusing to disagree.

-"All right, fall in."

Did I hear that right?

"Sergeant?" I respond, a little confused but lit up with hope.

-"I said fall in, god damnit. If you want in, now's the time."

He's being serious? We're really gonna find Zussman again?

Aiello, Stiles and Daniels rush inside the tent, and Pierson pushes past them.

-"Get the fuck outta my way."

Aiello wraps his arm around my waist and scans my face, his fingertips gently rubbing my red cheek from where Pierson slapped me.

"What happened? What's going on now?" He interrogates, speaking softly. Happy tears fall from my eyes, and I look at him, Stiles and Daniels with a huge smile on my face.

"We're getting him back." I announce, and they all exchange happy faces towards each other. I walk up to Daniels and place a loving hand on his injured arm, staring up into his joyful eyes.

"We promised to the end, and to the end, it shall be." I say softly, and he plants a kiss on my forehead, his smile never fading. He takes his discharge papers, too and crumples it up, stuffing it back in his pocket carelessly.

"Let's cross that bridge and find our boy." He mumbles. Stiles spots the paper on the ground and picks up a couple pieces, turning to me.

"(F/n)..." He trails off, and suddenly, the boys are worry-struck.

"I'm not going home without him." I explain, and they nod understandingly. I hold my head high and inhale sharply.

"No sacrifice too great." I repeat, Turner's words being wisdom to our platoon. Turner's taught us many things, and that's one of them. He's never failed us, and if he were here right now, he'd be mighty proud.

I get one shot at this, and if it fails, so be it. This is my chance to get Zussman back, and I'll do my best and work my hardest just to see his face again and carry him home. He'll be in my arms again, soon. Very soon. I can almost feel him...

We're on our way, Zussman. Hold on.

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