Liberation: The Cat's Victory

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As I clear the inside of the building, I fall back at the huge explosion from one of the gates.

"Yes!" I celebrate sadly, knowing Rousseau isn't here with me to do so. From a distance, I see Turner and the team running through, and Crowley catching up to them. I exit the building quick and sprint to rally with them.

Crowley spots me, and I hug him tightly, appreciating his existence while he's still here at least.

-"(L/n)! You did amazing! This mission couldn't have gone better-"

-"Rousseau's been captured!"

Crowley pauses, and looks towards Turner.


-"Rousseau's been taken by the Nazis. I don't why and I don't know where. But I know it can't be far from here."

Pierson steps through, an annoyed look on his face.

-"What did you do this time?"

-"This time? Excuse me, Sergeant?"


Jesus, he always has a way to dig his teeth into people's neck. I sigh in stress before explaining.

-"We were supposed to be in stealth, but she knocked over crates of tins after I spotted a Kraut making his way towards us. He saw us and I fired a bullet into him without a suppressor and alerted everyone. We put the last explosive on the gate, but when I turned around, she was held at gunpoint. I tried to fight back but she told me not to. I had no other option!"

-"You shoot him!"

-"And risk getting her shot, too?!"

-"Jesus, (l/n)! War is all about taking risks."

-"But that was a risk not worthy of taking! I'm going to find her!"

I march past them, before Pierson roughly grabs my arm, pulling me back.

"I don't think so! We're pushing forward, and that's that!" He growls and I release myself from his grip.

"War is all about taking risks, Sergeant." I repeat, his face growing into shock. He backs up, scoffing at my bravery, and I look towards Turner and Crowley

-"Lieutenant, Major, with your permission, I wish to retrieve Agent Rousseau and finish the mission together. As a team."

They look at each other before accepting my decision. Turner places a hand on my shoulder, pulling me in for an secure embrace.

"Be careful. We'll meet you at the entrance of the Garrison where Vivian dropped you off." He pleads, his hazel-green eyes pleading for something else.

His eyes want me back alive. He wants me to fight till the end. If that's what his eyes tell me, that's what I'm going to do.

"Yes, Lieutenant. I'll see you boys soon." I say, before turning around, seeing my four boys likely on the verge of tears.

-"Boys, I'll see you when I see you."

They all pull me in for a group hug, all of them pleading for me to come back alive, too.

Zussman: "Now, you be careful out there, Princess."

Daniels: "Holler loud if you need our help."

Aiello: "Come back alive. I can't ask for more."

Stiles: "Watch your back, (l/n). Be careful."

-"Thank you boys. Now if you'll excuse me, I have a Mademoiselle to save."

I spot a Grease Gun in the floor next to a dead Kraut, so I pick it up and steal the platoon's Jeep.

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