Hill 493: Pierson's Advance

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I pause my diary writing as I hear an aggravated Stiles trying to reach Pierson's platoon through the phone, so I join him and Daniels outside.

"Dog one outrider, this is dog one six, do you read me? Over." He repeats. He looks up at me and sighs, getting slightly annoyed.

-"Any and all receiving units, this is Dagwood white dog one six requesting a commo check. Can you read me? Over."

Still no response. We all exchange looks, and see Turner marching towards us.

"If you don't mind me sayin', sir, maybe we should head to the assembly point." Daniels says. Turner shakes his head, moving his direction to the barn beside ours.

-"Not yet. Person'll be here."

Daniels catches up to him, while I stay with Stiles.

"Nothing?" I ask. He shakes his helmeted head, clearly disappointed.

-"Nothing. I can't get anyone on here."

He eventually gives up, but we jump at the phone making a crackling sound, and a distinctive voice in the receiver. It was Baker. Stiles and Baker exchange updates, but Baker's was not a promising one. Once Stiles ended the conversation, we sprint to Turner.

"Lieutenant! Just got a transmission from Baker." Stiles announces.

"They're going to assault Hill 493, and Pierson's with them." I carry on for him. Turner's body language shifts as he tenses, and his face morphs into an angry look we don't want to see.

"What?" He growls, and I carry on.

-"He took our guys and second platoon."

We begin to make our way out of the Mill, and I whistle after the soldiers around the area as we bolt to Pierson's location.

"Gear up! Let's move!" Turner yells.


Rain beats down on us heavily as we move up the forest. Thunder booms through the area, and our uniform and boots begin to get muddy as we push forward.

"Keep up! Let's go, let's go!" Turner orders, all of us at the best of our ability to keep up.

"Maybe Pierson's still at the base of the hill!" I suggest, and Stiles looks over his shoulder to me.

-"I'm guessing we're way past that!"

As we manage to reach semi-flat ground, I spot a recognisable soldier, putting pressure on a bloody wound on his leg.

"Aiello!" I exclaim, running over to him.

"Hey, you." He replies weakly, grunting at the pain. I remove his hand from his leg, and without a second thought, I begin to patch it up before he loses too much blood.

"Where's the rest?" Turner interrogates. Aiello hesitates to answer, seeing how fired up Turner is, but explains anyway.

-"Pierson took 'em to attack the guns. We begged for reinforcements."

-"Stubborn son of a bitch."

I tie a secure knot on the bandage on Aiello's injury, and place the palm of my hand on his cheek.

-"You alright?"

He gives me a small smile, before nodding.

-"I'll be fine. Go, before Pierson takes the wrong step."

I plant a kiss on my finger tips and press them against Aiello's cheek, before standing and following Turner and the platoon to Pierson.

-"Come on! They need us!"

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