Ambush: Inevitablity

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We're in Ardennes, lining up Krauts to be interrogated and inspected. Everyone's moods are still down, not a chance of any sunshine beating down on us. The more this war goes on, the worse our attitudes get towards each other. We better be careful of what we say, before we say something we can't take back.

I follow behind Daniels and Zussman. They stand on either side of a German soldier who shivers in this cold weather. Suddenly, he stops, and turns to Zussman, his German contacting our ears.

"Water, please." He begs.

"What's he saying?" Daniels interrogates.

"Water. Water." He carries on, holding his pale hands out.

"Here." Zussman hands him his metal canister, not even looking at him. Between them, I see Pierson quickly strutting towards us, and he knocks the canister out of the soldier's hands.

"Goddamn it, what are you doing, Zussman?!" He snaps. The soldier crams onto his knees, trying to reach the canister, instead, Zussman bends down to get it for him.

"Lay off, Sergeant." He insists. Pierson's eyebrows raise, and he knocks Zussman off his feet.

-"What's that? Huh? How's that? Huh? How's that work for ya'?"

Zussman looks at him in disbelief, getting up.

"Much better." He mumbles. Pierson grows more furious, his hand out to take Zussman.

"You son of a bitch." He curses, but I push him back, protecting Zuss.

"Sergeant, don't." I order, and he releases himself off me.

"Stay out of this!" He orders, pointing to me. Behind him, I see the soldier pick up a huge rock, and stumbles towards him.

-"Pierson, look out!"

It's too late. The soldier smashes the rock against Pierson's helmeted head. He passes out on the ground, and the soldier legs it in the opposite direction.

"Hey!" I yell, chasing after him.

He's fast, but not as fast as me.

-"Don't make me stop you!"

He doesn't stop. My legs carry me close enough to him, so I take the end of my gun and thrash him in the back of the head. He collapses onto the ground, his hat falling off. I attempt to grab him by the coat to get him on his feet, but he back-hands me across the face, cutting the corner of my lip.

"Bastard!" I shout, planting a foot on his chest, causing him to howl in pain. I aim my gun towards his face, letting my frustration get the best of me.

Zussman jogs up behind me, yelling.

"Don't, (l/n)! He's not worth it!" He urges, holding me by the shoulder.

"Dumb Fritz! Why'd you run? You hiding something?!" I examine, bending down and patting around his uniform. I hear a mild crumple, and dig my hand inside his coat, pulling out a messily folded piece of paper.

-"Exactly! This bastard was holding out on us!"

I unfold it, reading the German words line from line. Suddenly, it gets snatched out my hands, and I look over to see a panting Pierson.

"Give me that!" He says, his eyes scanning the lines. He face morphs into a face of confusion, and he hands it back to me.

-"The fuck's this say?!"

What a dumbass...

I take it back, translating and explaining briefly.

-"These are orders to plants explosives on the bridge in Remagen. Ordnance is gonna be loaded onto trucks five miles north from here. If I'm reading this right, it's the last bridge standing across the Rhine."

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