Operation Cobra: The Reprieve

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My eyes flicker open to a clear blue sky and...silence.

Silence. I haven't had silence since we were on the ship before we took off.

I look around me, and it's peaceful, but my platoon has gone. There is a soldier next to me who's head fired up quickly, and he places a hand on my stomach.

"Stay down, Private (l/n). You're still severely injured." He says gently, continuing on writing down on his document.

"What happened? Where is everyone? " I question, a little worried. He looks at me, and knows exactly what I'm gonna do.

"Turner ordered soldiers to bring you here. You were shot by a conscious Kraut, but they luckily brought you here on time before you bled to death. I also took a look at your ankle, and it's a minor tear in the tendon. Turner and the First Platoon went ahead." He explains.

Oh my god. I need to get back to them.

I begin to sit up, but the soldier stands up and pushes my other shoulder and tries to lay me down, but I fight against him.

"Let me go. I have to catch up with Turner and the others!" My resilience spoke, but the soldier was refusing to let me go.

-"Don't! Turner will write me up if you go. Besides, you'll get yourself more injured along the way."

-"Then I'll explain it to him. A soldier is born to risk their life for their country!"

I push the soldier against the cot I was laying on, and I stand strong. I grab my gun that leant on the side of the tent, and I suddenly feel a slight sting on my ankle. It wasn't as severe as when the chaos started, so I could manage a walk on my own.

First Platoon must be too far ahead. I can't make it if I walk.

I spot an empty Jeep on the roadway, and I look back to the soldier.

"Where are they going next?" I ask. The soldier hesitates to answer, but brings himself up to do it eventually.

"Charlie and the others at Marigny. That's probably they're last stop for the day." He replies.

I hop onto the Jeep and start the engine, and follow the road up from where we rode the tanks.


On my journey, I spot tire tracks below in the Hedgrows, and they are the same ones as the Jeep I'm on, and I know I'm getting closer the the platoon. I continue driving, and from a distance, I can hear Zussman's voice, and the engines of the rest of the Jeeps.

"Let's give these boys a proper greeting!" I say to myself, and I floor the gas.

I start to see the vehicles up ahead, but also the vehicle of the Krauts, who drive straight in front of Daniels and Zussman. They fire straight at them and the others behind them, so I step on the engine, and the car zooms itself to the front. I look down in the Hedgerows and wait till Daniels' car makes space between them and the Krauts.

Daniels slows down slightly and the Krauts speed ahead a little, and this is my chance.

I viciously bunk the wheel to the left, and I brace myself for the impact. The car turns left and falls deep into the Hedgerows, just behind the Krauts.

I pull out my gun, and start firing at them, taking them down one by one.

I heard surprised voices behind me and I begin to laugh.

-"(L/n)? Holy shit!"

-"That's our girl!"

-"Hit 'em hard!"

The appreciation boosts up my confidence, and I continue to shoot at the enemies. The driver redirects to one side, driving straight into a brick house. I then swerve carefully past them, and drive straight ahead to the village.

"You make me want to fall in love with you, (l/n)!" Zussman yells from behind me.

"What's stopping you?" I shout back.


We finally arrive at Marigny, and I'm holding one hand on the wheel, driving around, and the other hand holding my Grease Gun, clearing the hostiles around the village. I park in front of this burned-out church, and continue the fight.

"All clear." Pierson yells. I sigh in relief, and climb off the vehicle, my shoulder aching and stinging. I look down and see small spots of blood on my uniform, and I hold onto it, wincing.

"My, oh my, (l/n)! I have never loved you more!" Zussman teases. He runs up to me and picks me up, spinning me around. My helmet drops to the floor and I laugh uncontrollably. He places me back down carefully, and Stiles puts the helmet back onto my head.

"You're amazing, (l/n)! I've never seen a soldier drive and let fly like you did!" He says, a huge smile on his face,

"You're scarier than my Nonna, (l/n). How'd you do it?" Aiello jokes as he shakes his head, shocked.

"How'd you catch up?" Daniels asks, and I sigh.

"Uh...a soldier, told me. And, with the help of this free Jeep. Couldn't leave you guys hanging." I explain. Behind Daniels, I spot Turner, who's gaze never left me. But he isn't angry, he looks...relieved.

"(L/n). I sent you back for a reason. We didn't wanna lose you." He tells me, and I hang my head, slightly embarrassed.

-"I'm sorry, Lieutenant. But I couldn't help the thought of staying behind."

-"I thought I told James to keep you behind."

-"It's not his fault. I went. He only tried to stop me."

Turner, releases a breath, placing his hands on his hips.

-"Are you alright?"

-"Stitches are coming out slightly, but other than that, I'm as bright as morning."

-"Stiles, call in medics and get (l/n) sewn up again."

Turner flashes me a warm smile, and lays a hand on my other shoulder.

"Glad to have you back." He says gently, and walks over to Pierson and Murphy. We follow behind him shortly afterwards.

"Ok. It's too late to press on. Looks like you lot got a reprieve." Pierson announces. Stiles pushes his glasses back up, and scans the church.

-"Excuse me, Sergeant!"


-"Isn't half the Kraut army on the other side of those buildings? Shouldn't we find a better place to set up a perimeter?"

Pierson scoffs loudly, shaking his head.

-"Sure, Private. Why don't you book us a room at the Ritz?"

I'm sick of his attitude.

"Sir. He's scared is all." I say, being cautious not to show my frustration.

"Oh, look. It's the hero! (L/n), why don't you worry about your own problems? Like how that ankle and shoulder's gonna hold up tomorrow?" He growls, almost kicking my injury.

"If I can floor the gas with the ankle, and open fire at Krauts with a bleeding shoulder, tomorrow is the least of my problems." I spit, and Pierson begins nodding his head, turning his attention towards the guys.

-"Boys, why don't you watch her. Only thing more dangerous than the enemy, is pride. Rest up, soldiers. We take Marigny at first light!"

Pierson gives me a glare before walking over to Turner in front of the church entrance.

"He's never letting it off on me, is he?" I complain, making my way to the medics. Daniels, Zussman and Aiello walk along side me, chuckling lightly.

"Don't think he will on anyone, to be honest." Daniels spoke, gently patting my back.

Even though Pierson digs his teeth into me, I got my boys by my side, and I feel like the luckiest person on earth to have my trust put onto these shitheads.

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