S.O.E: The Train's Dismall Escape

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I crouch behind the spring bush in front of me, and I aim towards the marching officer, making sure I get him at the right angle. Within a second later, I open fire, and alert the others. Luckily, the team shoot them down before the soldiers alarm anyone else, and our stealth mode will be broken.

"Brilliant shot." Vivian praises from behind me.

-"Turner, take a few men and go around the house."

-"(L/n), stay will Crowley."

We quickly advance into the house, and smoothly but quietly sprint behind the living room wall once we spot another Kraut between the living room and the lounge.

"I got this." I whisper to Crowley, and he nods in approval. I creep up behind the soldier, and snap his neck to the right, making sure he falls with no sound.

-"Well done!"

I make a sharp turn to the left, and aim my gun to the sound of grunts. I see Vivian take out a soldier from the other side of the window, and there's another reason to be impressed with the British.

"Nice work, Vivian!" I whisper, and she throws me a smile.

"Stay low and advance slowly." Crowley orders. I swiftly jump down into the hedgerow below, and quickly bolt behind a tatted sofa once I spot the enemies. I hear the engine of a vehicle making it's way behind me, and I slowly turn from the behind the sofa, and take out the Kraut that was at the tail of the car, and the other that managed to spot me.

I sigh in stress, and shake myself off before I push forward. Stealth Mode is not easy. It's so intense, it's bone-chilling. I can feel a couple of my blood vessels building up with too much blood that they would eventually explode.

Crowley takes out the soldier by the gate, and with the suppressors on, we let it fly around the house, being quick like lightning to a tree.

We scan the inside of the house for anymore, until we tense at the sound of gunfire just outside the front door. Vivian and Crowley run out, speedily, with me following behind.

"Change of plans. We've been spotted!" Viviana announces, and I slide myself behind a brick fence, shooting down the Krauts around the Post Office.

"Thank god you're still alive!" Aiello yells amongst the chaos next to me.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I respond, trying not to take that personally.

I suddenly hear the sound of immense and angry barking, and over the brick fence I spot two German Shepard's barging their way towards the stairs. I have never, in my life, intended to hurt animals. I am a full-on lover for animals, especially dogs. But these...these aren't dogs. Their rabid creatures sent from hell. As much as I try to deny them being sweet pets, it wasn't helping.

I shoot them down with a painful heart, knowing full well they are bad, but for the love of God,

"That hurt!" I shout to Aiello, and he chuckles.

"You're too kind, (l/n)!" he shouts back, smiling.

I flash him a quick grin, but I suddenly see something move behind him, and notice as fast as lightning, it was a dog.

"3 o'clock, Aiello!" I shout, but he turns to look at me, oblivious on what I said. It's too late, and the dog grabs Aiello by the leg, and he crashes onto the ground. The beast sinks it's jaws into his leg further, and my ears drain out the gunfire and are only filled with the sounds of Aiello's terrorised and painful screams.

-"FUCK, AH!"

-"Aiello! Oh shit!"

I try to shoot the dog down, but I'm only greeted with clicks. I haven't re-filled my ammo, Christ! I decide to launch a hit into his nose, and around his head. I strike down constantly until the dog releases it's grip from Aiello, and loses conscious in the ground.

"MEDIC!" I demand. Daniels slides his way over, and covers fire while we wait impatiently for a medic.

"Ah, shit! My nonna's gonna kill me!" Aiello moans, and I grab his hand and repeatedly, but lightly, smack his face, keeping him conscious. His bite wound bleeds fast, worrying me.

"Looks like that dog bite will get you before your nonna does, sweetheart!" I tell him, flashing a sympathetic grin.

"Fuck you!" He laughs, and I laugh with him.

"Where's the goddamn medic?!" I ask aggravatingly, scanning the perimeter.

"What happened?!" A soldier questions. He bends down and puts pressure on Aiello's leg, so I'm guessing he's the medic.

"The fucking beasts were hungry, that's what happened!" Aiello yells, groaning in pain.

"You guys go ahead! I'll take care of Aiello!" The soldier demands, and I look down at Aiello one more time, and throw him a wink.

"Hang in there, paisan." I joke, and he chuckles as a response. Daniels pulls me up and we run over to Turner and the others, who are already at the brick fence against the post office.

"Get rid of them! ! Let's go!" Pierson orders, and we attempt to clear the post office as quickly as we can.

Once the Krauts were down, we barge into the post office and continue the fight inside.

-"The train's getting away! Pick up the pace!"

I try my hardest to kill every single one of the Nazi's inside, but the pressure of having to do it fast enough, and the sound of the train's engine beginning to start, raises panic inside me.

Soon enough, however, the post office is down, I speed to the door, under Turner's orders.

I throw it open, and the train presents itself in the most intimidating way possible. It's suffocating steam blows into the air, and it slowly moves forward. I'm too overwhelmed by the presentation of that thing. Suddenly, a barrage of thundering explosions sends their way over to the building, knocking me and others back.

"Shit!" I yell, pieces of wood flying across the room. The bright lights blind me, and I feel myself being lifted up from the ground.

"(L/n), get up!" Zussman orders, and makes sure I regain my balance enough to stand on my own.

"Everyone in the jeeps, now!" Pierson demands, and me, Daniels and Zussman hop onto the same jeep, Daniels taking the wheel.

Crowley follows with Vivian behind us, and we speed ahead, driving as fast as we can.

"We need to stop that train!"

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