Battle of the Bulge: Greeting Howard

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"Merry Christmas, boys." I greet as I reach the East dugout.

-"I'll leave it under the tree for you."

I place the ammo box under their mini Christmas tree outside the dugout, and join them as they keep sight of the woods.

"How's it looking?" I ask, squinting my eyes to catch a glimpse of anything suspicious.

"Pretty quiet actually-" he stops, and from the corner of my eye, I see and feel his eyes on me. I look towards him and my eyes widen.

"Terrance..." I trail off, slightly shocked.

Terrance Marshall...the dude who decided to harass me during lunch at Basic.

He looks different. He has dark eye bags which, I'm guessing is from the lack of sleep, he has a stubble growing, and his eyes have lost their brown colour, but instead, have driven black.

"You?" He exclaims quietly, his attention pulling away from the woods.

Though what he did to me what absolutely shitty and uncalled for, I smile, putting aside our worries.

"It's...been a while. I'm guessing you're Second Platoon?" I start, and he responds with a nod as his lips press into a thin line.

-"Yeh, and you're First. I've seen you fight and honestly, I take back that time I gropped you."

From behind him, I see the soldier turn his head towards Terrance, his eyes wider than the sun.

"Say it louder. I don't think the first Platoon all the way on the West Side heard you." I joke, slightly embarrassed as he is.

"Sorry. And, sorry about the harassment. I was obviously too cocky back then to know what was right or wrong." He apologises. It surprises me, but he looks serious, so I take it up on him.

"That's alright. War changes us, and it changed you for the better. Let's fight together, Terrance. We'll get through it." I preach, placing a hand on his shoulder and giving him a comforting smile. He returns it, and places his hand on mine, stroking the back of it with his thumb.

"Krauts, 12 o'clock!" The soldier behind him yells. I quickly remove my hand away from Terrance's shoulders and grab the sniper that leans against the dugout as Terrance hops onto the other MG.

"Open fire!" I demand once the Krauts we visible. Now that I'm Corporal, I'll be making more orders, and I have to make them wisely.

I snipe away, wiping them out quickly, one by one. There isn't much, so taking them out doesn't take much time.

"Was that it? Scan for more." I order, looking through my optic and swiping through the woods. I suddenly see movement behind a tree, breaking their cover to fire at us.

"Last one!" I announce, and I fire a bullet straight into his head. I whistle, pride filling me.

"Great shooting, (l/n). That Kraut won't be reporting back. You better go check in at the command tent. Who knows how they got past the 88th." Terrance says, patting my back softly.

"I'll be off." I say, and give Terrance a small smile before leaving the dugout, jogging to the command tent.

Once I reach it, Aiello sees me and puts out his cigarette, wrapping an arm around my shoulders.

"Hey, Corporal. Boy, have I got a treat for you." He whispers, and leads me into the tent. As we enter, Pierson is flipping through the papers on his clipboard and Aiello nods his head to a soldier bent down towards a cabinet.

"This is Howard." He introduces. When the soldier stands up and spins around, my eyebrows are raised, and I hold out my hand.

"Nice to meet you." I say, respect speaking for me.

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