Operation Cobra: Zussman's Comeback

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I'm peacefully on my own, a couple meters away from the platoon, filling in my diary about the past couple days. My handwriting isn't bad, but I'm still shaky from lack of sleep and energy so far, so it's barely legible. I'm sitting on a wooden crate used to carry supplies, and I suddenly hear mild shuffling in front of me, and I look up to see Turner, who begins to chuckle.

"Sorry, Private. You looked so peaceful." He says.

-"What you up to?"

-"Documenting all this trouble, but only the good moments."


Turner shifts closer, and raises his eyebrows with a cheeky smile plastered on his face.

"Like, when I destroyed the cannon. Or, when Daniels and Zussman saved my ass from being murdered in vain by a Kraut. Many stuff." I explain, and he nods his head.

Honestly, when the chaos doesn't invite itself to the party, Turner is comfortable to talk to when he's not under pressure. He's quite laid-back and polite.

Turner removes his helmet and places it next to him, taking a deep breathe in and letting it out.

"So, what was life like for you? You know, before you got drafted." He asks me, and I look up, confused.

-"I'm sorry?"

-"Don't get me wrong. I know I'm not usually one for small talk, but anything other than briefing a mission would be nice."

-"Oh. Um...I was a baker for 'Paddison's Bakery' in downtown Brooklyn. People loved the things I baked that my boss made me the "head baker" and in charge of the store when he was away, and the bakery was advertised everywhere. On newspapers, posters on streetlights, anything, with great reviews. But I was a simple woman with a simple job."

I look up at Turner, who was staring intently at me. I'm glad to know he was actually paying attention to my boring life.

"Simple woman". They way you fight says otherwise. You've probably killed more enemies than cameraman over there." He jokes, pointing to Stiles, who is obviously playing with his camera again.

-"Haha. Thank you, Lieutenant."

-"Anytime, Private. So, uh, the bullet graze on your arm. How is it?"

-"Not bad, anymore. I can manage."

-"Oh. Hold on, your bandage is coming off."

Turner grabs the fallen bandage and gently re-wraps it around my arm. My eyes avert to Turner's face, and I scan every inch of it.

He's a real sweetheart.

He then locks eyes with me and gives me a warm smile. I suddenly feel myself blush, and I hope he doesn't notice.

"Your all good." He says softly, and he grabs his helmet.

-"Join us over there, Private!"

-"Y-yeh! Just a second. I'm almost finished."

With that, he nods with a grin, and goes ahead.

What was that? I can't be feeling like this towards Lieutenant! Brush it off! He must be that nice to the other soldiers too...right?

After a minute of contemplating, I shut my book, and head over back to the platoon. Aiello's loud, deep voice catches my attention, and I make my way over to the three boys.

-" Right. Schmeling versus LoMatta?"

"Schmeling would've KO'd LoMatta." Stiles says, turning a knob on his camera. I place myself next to Daniels, and help him fix his gun. He huffs, and rolls his eyes.

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