Stronghold: The Dream

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"John, please! Just let (F/n) go. I'm the one you want! John!" My mother begs. I cower in the corner of my bedroom, my drunk, alcoholic father stumbling towards me, his footsteps banging on the floor. Suddenly, he grabs me by the neck, and lifts me up, pushing me against the wall. I scratch and claw at his arm, struggling for air.

"Dad, please!" I wheeze, close to losing consciousness. Behind him, I see my mother swinging a glass vase straight into his head, and he drops me back onto the ground. I hold my throat and gasp for oxygen, my head spinning. I look up to see my father standing back up, but this time, he's facing my mother.

"You whore!" He shouts, and takes a swing to my mom.



"Ah!" I exclaim, waking up. I suddenly feel myself fall backwards, and my chair takes me with it as it hits the ground, and I bang my head against the wooden boards of the floor.

"(F/n)! You alright?" I hear Zussman ask. He and Daniels jog over to me, pulling me back onto my feet.

"Almost blacked out, but I'm good." I respond, holding the back of my head.

-"What happened?"

-"I, was just a dream."

"You too, huh?" Daniels sounds surprised.

I look out of the exposed hole in the front of the room, revealing a city being bombarded with missiles and explosions.

"Speaking of which, how comes the two of you are still awake? We'll be up by first light tomorrow." I question, sitting back down on my chair.

"Well, I gotta show Pierson that I'm ready. And Daniels had a little nightmare of his own." Zussman explains, downing a lot of his drink.

-"So what, you're just, not gonna sleep?"

-"If that's what it takes to get Pierson to open his eyes to my potential, do I have a choice?"

-"Zuss, I don't care what he says. You ain't got nothing to prove."

He sighs heavily, obviously disagreeing with me.

-"Yeh, well I'm tired of taking his shit."

I steal the bottle from his hands, and chug down a huge amount, a bit of it dripping down the corner of my mouth.

"We all are, Zuss." I say, wiping my mouth.

"Back home, you wanna settle something, you do it head on. It's the only way to earn respect." He carries on. Daniels and me exchange looks, and back to Zussman.

"We understand that, believe me. A man has to fight his own battle. But respect don't mean a lot if you get yourself killed." Daniels explains.

"He's right. Pierson's just one guy. He's not worth your efforts." I say in agreement. Zussman takes a drag of his cigarette, and pulls a face while attempting to stand up. Probably the knife wound acting up again.

-"Just glad ya'll got my back. Besides, good ol' Saint Michael's watching over us, so we ain't got nothing to worry about."

He smirks while pulling out Aiello's chain from underneath his shirt, and swings it about.

"Didn't realise you guys believed in that stuff." Daniels comments. Zussman walks over to the open wall and leans against the broken, antique dish cupboard next to it, staring off into the distance.

-"I'll take all the help I can get."

"Amen." I say, and the two boys chuckle quietly.

"So (l/n), you gonna tell us about that dream, or what?" Zussman asks, his gaze still fixated to the distance. I sigh, contemplating whether it's worth sharing or not.

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