Liberation: The Cat's Capture

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As me and Rousseau enter the building after Crowley, the interior was beautiful. A balcony from the first floor overlooks the ground floor, with a wide staircase where the two sides lead off to separate areas of the building. The pristine, while walls were neatly polished and lined with gold marble. Very eye catching. The only unattractive area of the place was the huge Nazi flag hanging from two poles either side of the stairs. What an eye-sore.

"Come on. We need to find Fischer." Rousseau whispers in English, hoping to not be heard by the guards.

"This place is huge. God knows where he is." I reply, the air becoming slightly tight with all the pressure.

We make our way over to an open door, which leads to another room, dimly lit and only a few people inside.

"I don't think he's in here." I say, looking around the room. There are people in here, many dressed in fancy, expensive suits. My eye catches a small document on a coffee table, so I tell Rousseau to wait, and I begin to read it. It's in German, but I can understand every word:

Effective immediately, the following areas of the Police Prefecture are off limits to civilians:
1. All basements - Reserved for our soldiers to enjoy rest and relaxation
2. North Wing - This area is for the use of military command only
3. West Wing - This area is being used to house our troops

Major Werner

"This could tell us where Fischer is." Rousseau says, stealing the paper from my hands.

"They're off limits to civilians. How will we get through?" I panic. Rousseau stares at me briefly, and her eyes shift down to my cover-story.

-"I'm Ada Zimmerman, a military attaché. Right."

Rousseau nods sarcastically before placing the document back onto the table. I spot a soldier studying the map of the world just a few meters away from where we are, so I place a hand on Rousseau's shoulder, and begin to make my way over to him.

-"I'll be right back."

-"(L/n), where are you going?"

I strut confidently to him, with a friendly yet, scared smile on my face, so I begin our conversation in German, of course. I'm practically sweating from trying to remember what I've learned.

-"Excuse me, sir?"

He turns around in a flash, scanning me from head to toe.

-"Ah, do you need something?"

I can't ask him if he's Fischer. He might question my actions, and I can't leave, otherwise it'll seem even more suspicious. So...uh...let's go with plan C.

-"I've heard mention of the Autumn Song. Can you tell me what that is?"

He furrows his eyebrows, and stares down at me.

Shit. I think I messed up.

-"Um, it's a poem used by the Resistance and you can get in trouble for speaking about it. Show me your papers."

My heart rate begins to increase, so, trying to sustain my pride, I hand him my papers.

-"I'm sorry, I didn't know. Here you go."

He looks over my information, and nods pleasingly.

-"It's okay, but we have to be vigilant. Who are you here to see?"

-"I have orders for Polizeiführer Heinrich."

Nice one!

-"Yes, here it is. Travel documents. You'll find Herr Heinrich on his office in the 3rd floor."

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