Reclamation: The Power of Inevitability

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We're a couple meters away from the camp, inside the woods. We're clamming onto our mental state as we carry on finding our boy. But at this point, I'm beginning to lose it. The future is inevitable, and a thousand outcomes begin to storm inside my mind, breaking me down piece by piece. Limb by limb.

"We're coming, Zussman." I mumble with every step I take. I'm ahead of everyone, but I know the boys behind me are eyeing each other with concerns to me and whether or not I'm beginning to lose myself. If I'm honest, I have to agree with them.

I stumble as the mud beneath me grapples onto my boots, making the walk slightly harder. We begin to journey uphill, but the condition of the earth below me makes it harder and tiring to walk, and I'm beginning to feel dizzy from the lack of sleep, the lack of food or water (because I denied to consume anything) and from the sights I saw at the camp. I fall a couple times, with the boys constantly having to help me up. But I release myself from their grip and carrying on. I'm not wasting anymore time.

"Come on! We're almost there." I lie. I'd like to think so, so that the travel won't seem pointless. Hope has to be present, otherwise, what are we doing?

"Take it easy, (l/n). You'll pass out if you keep pushing yourself this hard." Aiello warns, but what he says enters one ear, and leaves the other. I don't care what any of them have to say. I just have to find my boy. That's all.

I hear light jogging behind me, and see that Daniels catches up and walks beside me, keeping a close eye before I do actually pass out.


The search continues, and I'm beginning to feel more and more dizzy. The falls become more frequent and my vision becomes slightly blurry and shaky.

A few more falls and I fall again, but instead, I stay grounded, my weakness taking action. My knees sink into the mud and I feel my body slowly tilting forward. Daniels bends down and catches me by the shoulders before I lather myself in dirt and pushes a canister up to my lips. I refuse at first, but I don't resist anymore.

"Drink a lot, love. You're gonna need it." He insists, and so I tilt my head back further until the last drop of water caresses down my throat. He quickly puts the canister away and wraps my arm around his shoulder and lifts me up, Aiello doing the same on my other side. We walk like this for a couple minutes before I finally regain my strength and carry on myself.


And we still keep going, my head clouded with the thought of Zussman in my arms and my pride getting excited by it. But they get interrupted as I hear Aiello from behind me:

-"You remember on the boat at Normandy, Zussman cut two of his fingers while playing Stab-The-Spaces. I gotta give it to him. That boy's persistent, but he's an idiot."

I turn around and see the four of them laughing and smiling, the memory reappearing in my brain.

After that, Aiello had bet his Saint Michael pendant, and Zussman won it off him, no problem. Then I remembered something else:

-"You found your trophy yet, Frank? The trophy that's supposedly better than that Pendant?"

He chuckles, the sound of it like music to my ears.

-"Not yet. But I will."

I don't know what he means by that, but I'm growing slightly curious as to what it could be. The war is over, well, almost over. We just gotta retrieve our boy, get on a boat home, and the war is a closed case.

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