Ambush: It All Goes Downhill

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I turn to Daniels, who watches the gunfire. I grip his shoulder and spin him around. I try to explain, but I stutter, the panic overcoming my speech.

"Zussman...he-he's been captured." I managed to get out, and Daniels looks ahead, watching the truck leave.

-"We're getting him back. I don't care what you or anyone else says."

"I'll come with you." He says softly, holding me by the shoulders, trying to calm me down. I look down at my boots, and at the side, I see Zussman's Saint Michael chain he won off Aiello. I pick it up and watch the pendant glisten in the light of the flames, his voice in my head making me tear up.

Behind Daniels, I see Howard run up to us. He places a hand on my shoulder and swings his gun behind him.

"That was close. You okay?" He asks, scanning my face. I'm speechless, and I'm really not okay.

"They've captured Zussman." I say, but Howard doesn't accept it.

-"I'm sorry about your buddy but we need to hit that last truck now."

I knock his hand off my shoulder and run up to Pierson's Jeep that he just parked. Before I could get close to it, he grabs me by the arms, his grip leaving marks on them. I scramble in his arms and try to nudge him to the side but he's too strong.

-"No no no! You're not going anywhere!"

-"I need to get Zussman!"

Pierson pushes me back and sighs, holding his pointing finger at me.

-"What we need to do, is push forward. I'm sorry but that's how it is."

I continue to resist.

-"It doesn't have to be like this. I'm getting him back and that's final!"

I try to swerve past him but he grabs my arm and pulls me back again.

-"Corporal, stand down! I don't wanna have to tell you again-"

"He's one of ours! Why can't you let me go?!" I shout angrily, the boys growing silent and my voice echoing in the air. Pierson stares at me in disbelief before answering:

"I don't wanna lose you."

I've never heard him say it before. It's a shocker to hear him say those words when I only ever thought he cared less than a penny for me. It's appreciative, but I love Zussman, and I'm not going anywhere until I get him back.

"And I don't wanna lose Zussman." I protest quietly. Pierson shakes his head and doesn't stop me from getting onto the Jeep and starting it.

-"Come on, Daniels. Let's go."

He quickly runs up to the vehicle and climbs in, and without a second thought, I speed off to find that truck that holds Zussman captive.

We leave the base area, but a car of Germans manages to overtake it's way ahead of us, firing bullets in our direction.

"Daniels! Fire support!" I order, and he whips out his gun and takes out the car. It swerves left and rams into a pile of crates, and I speed forward, the truck so close yet, so far.

"(L/n)! Be careful! We'll crash if you don't look out!" Daniels warns, but the last thing I need, is help.

"We need to get him back!" I ignore.

We continue to chase that vehicle, more and more enemies driving in front of us and shooting at us, but Daniels' aiming is brilliant and he takes them down in a whim.

I step on the engine at the furthest it can go, and the car zooms forward, the nose of the Jeep beginning to reach the rear of the truck. We're only inches away from getting him back! We're so close!

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