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Davis: "When history called, you answered. From all walks of life, you came to defend peace and freedom. I thank you. The world thanks you. And wherever your path takes you, know this. You will always, be the strongest amongst a brotherhood of heroes."

"Hey! There she is!" Aiello calls out to me as I make my way over to him and Stiles.

The war's over and we're all getting ready to go home. Thought I wouldn't live to see the day, but with all the obstacles in the way, I pushed through it strongly. Confidently.

The boys are dressed up handsomely in their  military suits, while I'm fixed up with light makeup and a beige uniform that consists of a long skirt, a white shirt and a blazer with brown Mary-Jane heels. All of us topped with an honorary military cap, too. I drop my bag next to me as I reach my pair of brothers.

"Look at how handsome you all look." I tease. The two boys strike random poses, showing off their uniform. I laugh terribly at them, their silliness filling me with joy.

"Where you off to, (f/n)?" Stiles asks me.

"Brooklyn. What about yourself?" I ask. He fixes his glasses and looks at me with a smile.

-"Washington. Life Magazine's waiting for me-"

"Here we go." Aiello exclaims teasingly, smirking behind his disappointment.

"What about you, Casanova?" I question to Aiello, and he raises an eyebrow at me.

"Casanova' my ass. I'm headed over to Queens. My Nonna's gonna shower me with praise when I get home. I gotta prepare for that." He explains, shaking his head at the thought.

"Don't tell your Nonna about the dog-bite." I joke, and he chuckles with me.

"Sure thing..." He pauses and looks me in the eyes.

I know what his eyes are saying. 'Good luck with Zussman'. I know it must not have been easy for Aiello to put aside his feelings for me. Ever since that kiss at Ardennes, he hasn't spoken about it since. I get the feeling it's because he felt guilty, but he has nothing to be guilty about.

"I'll be off." He greets, before turning on his heel and walking off.

I can't let him leave like this. Without a confirmation.

"Frank!" I call out. He turns around and my hand holds his right cheek while I press a long kiss on his left. Once I pull away, I embrace him in a loving hug. I inhale his scent and I take in as much as I can before I never see him for a long time. He pulls away and plants a kiss on my forehead.

"Good luck, Frank." I say, and he smiles down at me.

"Good luck, (f/n)." He says back.

We take each other in one more time, before he begins to journey home.

"Stiles. (F/n)." He greets. He turns his back to us and throws a fist in the air.

"Queens! Your prodigal son returns!" He yells, making me and Stiles laugh. I watch as Aiello disappears in the sea of soldiers, and I turn back to Stiles who prepares to pick up his bag. I embrace him a long, loving hug, too. Once he releases me, I fix his collar slightly and brush his shoulder pads.

"Good luck, soldier." I say, and he places a hand on my cheek, rubbing it softly with his thumb.

"And you, Darling." He addresses, and it melts my heart.

-"Now go on. Life Magazine's waiting for you."

-"Okay! I'll be off."

I watch him as he exits, and I turn to see Pierson, all dressed up smartly, too. It's comforting to see him like this. All calm, clean and high-spirited. I salute to him and he salutes back.

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