Ambush: Air Base Attack

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Pierson stops the car at an enclosed part of the base and me, Daniels and Zussman hop out the truck and rally up to him.

"We'll be coming through the gates at 0300. Find a high vantage to cover our assault so we can take out those last trucks. Hey, keep it quiet, and watch for patrols." Pierson briefs, and we nod our heads as a sign of approval. He circles his hand in the air, and the vehicles begin their engines again.

-"Let's move!"

And we watch as they drive off.

The thin, icy air freezes my lungs and my breath fogs, the wind carrying it on it's journey. I look around the area around us, and sigh a shivery breath, my blood growing cold with nerves. I hold my fist out between us, and the boys collide their fists with mine.

"Let's do this, boys." I encourage.

I lead the way up this thin pathway covered by the high trees, which leads us to a more wider part behind these wired gates that lead to the base on the other side.

"We can't climb over, they'll see us." Daniels explains. I pat my helmet and scan the area, looking for any possible breakthrough. I suddenly spot a hole on the side of a hill, big enough for us to crawl through.

"Boys." I whisper, and point to the hole. I swing my gun behind me and scramble onto my hands and knees and begin to crawl through, following a light at the end, not too far from where we entered.

-"Stay close, you two. Stealth mode has only just begun."

I climb onto my knees and slowly open the gate flap, and with minor creeks, it opens wide enough for us to climb out.

We hide behind a Nazi truck, and I lead the way to a stack of crates carrying supplies, but pause as I hear a conversation between Krauts just a couple meters away.

"Suppressors on. 3 Krauts, 3 of us. One each, yeh?" I whisper, and Zussman and Daniels screw on their suppressors, and we all aim our guns to each of the Krauts.


With one fire from all three of our weapons, those Krauts collapse onto the snowy ground, and I nod my head with a silly smirk on my face, proud of my plan.

-"Awesome. Let's go."

We move to a building where they keep the aircrafts and line ourselves against the walls around the entrance after I spot a soldier inside. I told the boys that I'll take it, as it's just a single soldier, so they accept it and I move in.

I hide behind the aircraft, and drop onto my stomach, spying on the soldier from under the plane. I pull out my gun and aim it properly, before taking the poor soldier out. He never stood a chance, he was only taking a smoke to pass time. I scan the area once more, and once it was affirmative it was clear, I click my fingers and Zussman and Daniels join me as we weave through the building. As I make another step, I hear the sound of metal creaking, and I look down at my boots and see another gate flap just below my soles.

"Perfect." I whisper, and I slowly open it, hop down and crawl through. This hole isn't as narrow as the previous one, so we carry on crouching down on our feet, and the boys follow behind me. I sneak up to another gate flap above and swing it open to reveal another building to keep the aircrafts. Before I could climb up, Daniels pulls me down by my jacket, and I fall back into the crawl-through.

"Base commander!" He whispers, and I peep over to see the base commander pacing through the building, his shotgun tight in his grip. I took this chance to take him out before we could continue. With one shot in one second, he's on the ground, the next.

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