The Rhine: The Fight Continues

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I slowly open my eyes and my ears begin their deadly ring.

"Ah..." I whisper slowly, feeling the stabbing pain in my shoulder from that massive piece of iron landing on it. I look up as I hear a grunt.

"Pierson..." I say softly. I'm still on top of him, and luckily, I saved him from that piece of iron, otherwise, his injury would've been a lot worse than mine.

"Private..." He managed to get out. He coughs vigorously from the smoke and I get up off of him, bringing myself to my feet and holding out my hand for him to take. He grabs onto it and I pull him up.

"Everyone okay? Who's still with me?" I ask, the atmosphere difficult to see who's through the smoke.

"We're good!" I hear Aiello confirm, and I turn around and see him, Stiles, Daniels and Howard making their way over to us. Glad their okay...

"The bridge held-" Howard begins before getting interrupted by his cough.

-"The damn thing held!"

I agree with his shock. The explosions were more than enough to blow up a building, yet, the bridge still stands strong. Unshaken. It's almost scary....

"Get up! Keep moving! We've still got one more mission!" Pierson orders, and we charge through the smoke. We continue to press on, until my ears pick up the familiar sound of engines.

"Listen! It's the sound of planes!" I announce and the team try their best to see through the smoke for any signs of enemy air support. Before we could react to any of it, blasts of missiles and gunshots disrupt our charge.


Luckily, our air support was already sky-high, so they have our back. But it's difficult on the bridge. Not only do we have the enemy's air craft to worry about, but the on-foot enemies as well.

"KEEP PUSHING!" I demand. I might as well call an air strike on those bastards. This smoke is making aiming too hard.

"Aiello! Throw them here!" I shout as I hide behind a turned truck. He throws me a small sack of smokes and I unload it, swinging my gun behind me.


I jump out from behind the truck and I run and run, getting closer to the crowd of Krauts who are visible in the area. I drop and slide forward, tossing a bunch of smoke bombs around the enemies. The green smoke begins to fly into the air, and I get up quickly and run to cover.


I dive over some sand bags and take cover from there, and soon, an air strike makes the bridge rumble, and I know for a fact that where I threw those smokes, I have outnumbered the Germans.

"Oh yeah!" Aiello praises in joy.

"More enemy air support! We need to get the AA Gun!" Pierson announces, and we push forward, taking out more and more enemies.

Once we cover again, I quickly sprint to Pierson's position, and tell him a plan.

"We need to split up! You take a couple guys and clear the bunkers to the AA Guns, while I take some guys and clear the towers!" I say and he agrees.

"Second platoon! Clear the bunkers!" He orders.

"First platoon! Empty those towers! I order.

"ON ME!" We say in unison. For a split second, I mentally pat myself on the back because that was kinda cool how we demanded orders without bickering. Being Corporal isn't bad, to be honest.

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