Operation Cobra: AA Suicide

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"(L/n), I can cover you and you just worry about that ankle, alright?" Daniels says. That dropped my confidence a little. It's just a slight injury. Daniels didn't mean any harm from it, he's just worried but I'm not letting that beat me down.

"No! Daniels, I'm fighting alongside all of you. A minor injury doesn't mean shit. Don't breath a word about this to the others. They'll be too distracted to see anyway. Now go!" I tell him. He hesitates before running up to the wooden gate. I stay behind the rock wall, and continue to shoot at the enemies at in the barn.


I reach a small window of the barn beside a tractor, and I cover there for a minute, my head beginning to spin at the pain of my ankle. I hiss as I check on it, and the bruise is becoming slightly larger, and darker. At the corner of my eye, I spot movement from the second floor. There are enemies on the MGs, so I stay on the ground, pull out my Grease Gun and start firing at them, being sure I spare my ammo.

"They're falling back! Keep pushing!" Pierson shouts, so I muscle up courage and press on, the injury at the back of my mind.


"Clear! Let's move!" Turner orders, and I got ahead to push through into the forest. I see two Krauts, holding up their hands in surrender.

"Don't shoot!" I call, and I try my best to casually walk over to them. Before I could raise an arm to push them to the floor, they both pull out handguns from their belt, and point at me. I fall back, stumbling on my injury and falling on my ass, adrenaline filling me up as pain begins to seep through me again. Zussman and Aiello shoot them down, and Daniels picks me up gently.

"Are you sure you can manage? Judging by your body language, that ankle's gonna kill you before the Krauts do." He says quietly, and I shake my head.

"Daniels, I'm fine." I reassure. We look towards the distance where a majority of the chaos is happening, and the Stukas fire down towards the tanks.

"Those Stukas are taking down our tanks!" I yell.

"Armor needs our support. (L/n), take the AA gun behind that tree-line." Turner orders.

I pause for a moment. The AA gun is quite far, and I don't know if my ankle will make it. I guess we'll have to try and see.

I take a step forward, but before I could go any further, Daniels grabs my arm.

"Wait. I'll go!" He says. I look at him and shrug his hand off.

-"I'll go!"

"Anyone, go!" Pierson shouts, and I give Daniels a comforting look before leaving.

I gently jump down onto the ground below the forest, and I keep my head down, hoping I'm not being seen.

I limp quickly, making sure I don't put too much pressure on my ankle. However, it doesn't help, and I fall onto my knees behind a small shed, and I quickly look towards the forest, where my comrades are. From a distance, I can see that Turner looks concerned. He looks in my direction, and says something briefly to Pierson, before jumping down and sprinting towards me. He hides behind the shed, and continues to shoot at the Krauts behind us.

"What happened to you, Private?" He questions. I hesitate before answering.

"I probably tore a muscle or-or a tendon in my ankle, Lieutenant. But I can manage to the AA gun!" I explain, and he looks down at my finely bruised ankle.

-"You're a fighter, Private. But you're also a risk-taker. I'll get the AA gun. You stay here."

-"No! I refused Daniels, and with all-do respect, Lieutenant, I'm getting there on my own!"

With that, I stand up as gracefully as I could, and leave Turner at the shed, sprinting as fast as can to the flak.

Krauts spot me, but I quickly shoot them down.

Soon, the flak gun was only a couple meters away, and the platoon catch up, making their way over.

Daniels runs up to me and helps me up over the hedge, and catches up with the others.

I spot the gun on my left and before I could get any closer, I shoot the remaining Krauts in that area down, and climb onto the seat of the gun.

"Take down those Stukas, (l/n)!" Pierson demands. Following those orders, I aim towards the sky, and sure enough, there were too many of them. The gun only reaches so far to each side, so I have to rely on the others to tell me where the Stukas are coming from.

"(L/n), 3 o'clock!" Stiles yells, and I look towards my right. Two Stukas fly side by side, but I shoot and destroy them before they could create anymore mess.

"11 o'clock!" Zussman shouts, and another three flying in, way too close to the ground, so I only manage to destroy two of them.


Soon enough, I have taken down a majority of those Stukas. Only three still fly sky high, and I just go for it, though they're not that close. My aim was perfect, and I take down those Stukas within the next two minutes, and I punch the air in celebration.

-"Eat that!"

"That's all of them! Great job, (l/n)!" Turner says.

I flash him a smile, and prepare to jump off the AA. I limp towards Turner, but I suddenly see something on the ground behind him move.

It's a wounded Kraut!

The soldier grabs a handgun, so I pull mine out and aim it at him. Before I could pull the trigger, he gets me first, right on the shoulder.

-"Oh shit!"


That was all I heard, aside from gunshots. I crash onto the floor, my vision becoming blurry. I, then feel myself being lifted, then everything goes black. The last thing I hear, is the boys begging me to stay awake.

If only I could tell them everything will be okay.

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