Stronghold: Clouded Judgement

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I look down and see Zussman and Aiello charging their way up from the church, and a couple minutes later, Daniels, Pierson, Stiles and two others join me here at the tower. I'm still quiet after what happened, so I leave my words to myself and continue to the cover fire for the two boys.

"(L/n), take the sniper beside you and take 'em down. There's three by the burning car and a couple in the building opposite." Pierson demands, and I drop my Grease Gun and pick up the sniper, laying it steady.

I'm taking them out viciously, a piece of my anger flying into them with the bullets.

-"Eat that, you piece of shits."

I continue to snipe loud and hard, until I spot a sea of flames coming in from the left.

"Flamethrower!" Pierson yells.

-"I got 'em!"

I aim towards the Kraut with the flamethrower, and fire a bullet straight into his helmeted head, no mercy.

Just a few more flying of the sniper, and the Krauts on-foot are on their way to limbo.

"Clear! Yeah! They did it!! Oh shit, halftracks movin' into the square! They'll pin the squad!" Pierson announces, and I fall back onto my sniper and take down those on the MGs, and continue fire onto the others in the halftracks.

"Damn it!" I yell as I miss one.

"Krauts on the rooftop!" Stiles yells, and my eyes follow Zussman who is getting closer to the flak guns. I take down the Krauts, and spot more at the end of the street.

-"We take down that last flak gun! Let's go!"

I fight on, but suddenly, a rain of piercing gunshots come our way, and I fall behind the wall. The tower begins to shake, and I panic.

"Flak guns are shooting at us! We have to go!" I yell, grabbing my gun.

As I stand, a soldier misses a step, and falls into the square hole in the middle of the floor.

"(L/n)! Help!" He pleads, and I slide as fast as I can and grab his wrist, but his other hand slips from the side, and I lose my grip on him.


I look above me and the church bell swings violently back and forth, slowly bringing itself down. Stiles picks me up and hands me my gun.

-"We have to get out of here!"

I'm hurt from not being able to save the soldier, but it's too late. I have to go.

Me and the boys sprint towards the ladder, and I'm the last one down. I quickly look down and see Pierson on the floor, losing his balance. The ladder begins to quiver, and one of the church bells hangs from a rope, and knocks into the ladder. It bends outwards, and I clam on fearfully for my life. I begin to lose my grip, and my hand releases itself from the ladder, and I crash onto the ground below me. It was a hard-ass fall, as I was hanging about four and a half meters off the ground. I hear a melancholic ring, and the bell hangs above me, struggling to keep itself on the rope. I try to move, but a huge slab of plywood plummets onto my stomach, and I begin to feel lightheaded.

"Shit!" I wince, trying to push the slab off me. Pierson runs over and helps to get it off, grunting as he wrestles getting it to the side. The bell lowers itself slowly, and me and Pierson work faster and harder. Once it's loose enough, he drags me to the side quickly, and the bell hits the ground where I laid. He forces me into my feet and runs ahead.

-"Let's move! This church is coming down!"

We're sprinting to the door, but the ceiling begins to collapse, and Pierson pushes me through the door.

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