S.O.E: Unannounced Alliance?

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Daniels stomps on the engine and weaves his way through the road so we can catch up to the train.

"Let's go! Let's go!" Zussman hollers, and I make myself in charge of the gun behind us so we can take down any Krauts when necessary.

"I'm going as fast as I can, Zuss, don't you worry!" Daniels responds, and grunts at the surprising dips and unbalances the car makes.

Suddenly, constant heavy fires arrive from the train as we speed beside it, merely missing the vehicle.

"Shit! Look out! Stay on path, Daniels!" I shout, holding onto the sides of the Jeep.

"Hold on!" Daniels orders, and we brace ourselves for a dip at the end of the road. Daniels doesn't hold back, and we fly through the air for a couple of seconds before hitting the ground, solid.


Daniels swivels the wheel, and I ram into the side of the vehicle, the rim of the cargo bed hitting my ribs.

"Ow! Shit!" I exclaim, and Daniels flashes a quick look to me before returning his gaze onto the road.

"You aight?" He asks, worry and focus mixed in his voice.

"I'm all good, Private, don't you worry!" I lie, the pain obvious in the voice.

It feels like someone took a sharp knife and constantly stabbed by side, the hits getting harder and more violent. I lift up my uniform to see a large, rose-red patch beginning to form, and I hold onto it, hissing.

"Sorry, (l/n)!" He apologises.

"Don't be! Just stay on path and let's get that train!" I demand, and he nods at my order.

We race under the bridge, until more explosive fires come our way.

"Still firing at us!" Zussman yells.

Daniels drives the Jeep above thick pieces of rock, and the vehicle moves viciously, rocking back and forth mercilessly. Suddenly, the Jeep dips to one side too much, and Zussman loses his on balance, and is almost thrown off the car.

"Fuck!" He exclaims. My reflexes take action, and before his whole body falls out the car, I grab him by the legs, and pull him back in, holding his shoulders until he's fine on his own. He flashes me a quick smile and plants a quick kiss on my head.

"Uh! I'm gonna puke!" He says, the motion-sickness beginning to take over his body. He grabs the wheel as Daniels lets go, and he quickly moves over to the cargo bed with me.

-"I should've drove!"

-"Now's your chance! Take the wheel!"

Daniels prepares his gun, as I stay on the machine gun. The train appears suddenly beside us, and me and Daniels open fire to the open containers on the body, shooting down as many Krauts as possible.

"On your left, Daniels!" I warn, and he takes the hint and fires on the left, while I cover on the middle and right.

"(L/n), left, on the top!" Daniels warns, and I aim the machine gun to the top of the train, where a few Krauts were lined up to meet their death. We react to Zussman's shout quickly, and scan the train.


Zussman rushes ahead, and the car drives steady next to a tank loaded with more enemies, Luckily, me and Daniels manage to shoot them down before they can make a scratch on this Jeep.

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