Hill 493: The Horror

486 18 11

"Wake up, Private!" Pierson yells, dropping me on the ground and shaking my shoulder viciously. I slowly peel my eyes open, and see his face in front of mine.

-"Zuss, water!"

Zussman hands him the canister and he roughly presses it against my lips, tipping my head back. Too much water goes down at once, and I begin to choke. I cough to the side and hold Pierson's arm away from my mouth.

Is this bastard trying to kill me?

"You can drink on your own." He mumbles, dropping the canister in my hands.

Turner catches up to us in the pillbox, not letting go of Pierson's advance.

-"How many casualties?!"

-"We executed the mission."


-"Our instructions were to take this hill!"

-"You should've waited for us!"

-"There wasn't time!"

-"What about our men?!"

-"We had orders-"

Turner throws a furious fist into Pierson's left cheek, and Pierson pats on his lips, checking for blood. I've never seen the two of them fight to the point where violence needed to be involved. It's sad to see them like this...

-"To hell with our goddamn orders!"

Pierson pauses, and points out to the massacre behind them.

-"You think I wanted any of this? Huh? We are cogs in a machine, Joseph. We start going our own way, the whole thing breaks down. When did you forget that?!"

-"These are men! Our men! When did you forget that?! And the fact that (l/n) collapsed because we had your cover fire for you and your actions worsens the whole damn situation!"

Again. I wish they'd stop bringing me into their problems. I'm just another soldier. What makes me so special?

A low rumble surrounds the area, and we all tense at the sound of it.

"Those 150s are still firing on our position." Pierson warns. Turner hesitates as he and Pierson share tense eye contact, but gives in and orders us to move forward.

-"Keep moving. We're taking them out."

Zussman and Daniels try to help me up, but I shrug them off, a little frustration arousing in me. I hate being the pity one. I'm just. Another. Soldier. If I die, I die with honour and with pride, knowing I've done some good to my country. At the end of the day, I suffer the same consequences, of watching many other soldiers die, and to live with a trauma for the rest of my life. Why are they so pressed about me?

Turner orders Daniels to get the door open, but once he does, we are greeted with a line up of Krauts around the bunkers.

My nausea is briefly gone, so I use all the strength I have left to fight back and make up for everything I've caused.

As we push forward, we spot an artillery in an open space, and I, with all the thermite, have been put in charge to destroy them.

"(L/n), destroy that artillery!" Turner orders, and once the Krauts around us were down, I slide next to the artillery. I yank the handle downwards towards me and a small, cylinder cup falls into my hands. I grab a thermite from my belt and rip the small rope at the top with my teeth, as sparks begin to pop out of the small can. I chuck it inside the cup and throw it back into the artillery, pushing the handle up.

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