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Chapter 22: Who are you?


"Why do fate always keeps us apart?"

Darkness, that's how I define myself and my room. It's already midnight and I can't sleep. I am just staring at the ceiling without blinking. This is crap! I am totally not Estelle that I used to be.

I pull myself up and stare at my window. Some of the moon's light pass through the windowpane. I twitch my lips and stand on my bed. I scanned my body and I am in my pajamas. I walk out of my bed and proceed into my closet. I grab my black hoodie dress and leather boots.

After changing my attire, I immediately thought of my combat knife. I directly proceed into my drawer and pick that knife inside its sheath. I directly inserted it on my right boots and move forward into my full sized body mirror. I sigh and slowly left the room.

I proceed into the kitchen to get the card. I am cart wheeling to lessen my noise. When I arrive at the stairs, I slowly slide myself into the handle of the stairs. Okay, that was a bad move. My center kind of aches a bit. I move myself out of the stair handle and proceed into the kitchen.

The kitchen is dark as well just like the other parts of this apartment. I started cart wheeling again into the drawer's direction. When I arrive at my destination, I scan the area first before slowly pulling the drawer. I lift the card slowly and return the drawer back into it's original position.

I walk this time because I felt a presence. I sigh slowly and started walking as if it's the most reasonable thing on earth. I pass through the kitchen opening and I am already in living room. I rolled my eyes. So they are awake all along.

I proceed to the door and scanned the card. The door swung and I left the apartment. The hallway is so dark but thankfully the moon is too bright that it supplies some of its light on the hallway. The presence are gone and only God knows where are they.


I scan the area as soon as I hear that very loud scream. I immediately sprint into the elevator and operated it. My jaw is clenching and my brain keeps shouting the idea of curiosity. The bell rings and the elevator opened. I immediately let myself out.


Crap! I scan the area once again and I think the scream was coming from the left wing. I immediately run into the left wing and I swallowed my saliva subconsciously. Oh Crap! That's brutally disgusting.

The face was totally ruined. The blood is scattered everywhere. The body was cut into three pieces, making it four because they separated the legs. The axe is in the unrecognizable face of a person. There is a pick on the scattered internal organs. The two separated legs have arrows each.

There are some bunch of killers who just assassinated someone. They are wearing black glasses and black long cloaks. I walk closer and hide myself on the nearest column. I hear many footsteps approaching suddenly. I sigh and ready my guard.

"What do you think you're doing? Did you know that the SH has already passed?"

My eyes widen. This is the exact same kind of voice changer Kendall did used. I slowly peek and I saw three guys and one girl. Their built is familiar but I can't fully analyze it. They are wearing crimson colored cloak and metallic red mask with a scale texture. Kendall's mask and the fighters from the last mission wears the exact texture of mask. What's the connection of these people?

Wait, could it be this are all made and planned by the 1st Queen Bee? Kendall Jeanick leads this Rogue Society group. She wears the same voice changer and texture of mask. But on the second thought, its impossible as the dudes. If this is made by the 1st Queen Bee, why are they picking on the killers if they are killers itself?

According to what Secret told me, she said that only the members of the Rogue Society kills someone in honor of the late School Monitor. If this one is part of the Rogue Society, then which group is this? Are my friends part of this?

But I just remembered, Theo mention about the killing of some SAC and COR members for the past few months. Is this black cloaked fellows are the killers? Or maybe the red ones?

I blink my eyes because I just spaced out. Oh Crap! I return my head and eyes into the groups but they are totally vanished. I immediately scanned the area once again. We did they just go? I sigh while rolling my eyes. I left the column and started strolling.

My eyes instantly widen when I detected a presence at my back. I immediately twisted my body around one hundred eighty degrees with my knees are unbent with my legs are split. I safely landed around one meter from the aura I just detected. I stand up properly and waited for that person to show itself.

"Impressive," said by the person approaching me.

I can't see that person because it's coming from the dark area of this place. My heart starts beating erratically when I heard the footsteps that person is making. I swallow a lump on my throat as I noticed that he is one of the crimson guys. He is walking slowly while approaching my way, way to slow.

"Why are you here, Secretary?" he whispered.

I shake my head slowly as I roll my eyes. I shrug my shoulder and look at that person again.

"Do you know somebody kills the  members of SAC and COR? Don't you think that it is I?"

I smirk. "For whom? Selentell Hanh?" I stare at that person, eye to eye, regardless of my beating heart. "For what? Honor her death?" I chuckled a bit. "Why can't you just let her spirit in peace and—"

"I won't let her spirit in peace, Secretary. I will not. She did too many things that I can't personally let that poor soul go," the man said while having some hand gestures.

"Oh right. I get it. You must have liked Selentell when she is still alive?" I look at the moon. "Poor soul, that's what you are."

I immediately flip my body while my legs are bent and are tuck on my chest. The man just started slashing his sword. I landed safely back into the ground. I lay my body on the ground, twist it until my legs arrives at my head, I position my hands and holds my body wait until , I stand regardless of my position with a powerful kick on that person's head.

He is still standing but I know he got dizzy. I immediately left the column before the bell will ring. Crap, why am I always involve with this shits. I shrug my shoulders and left the proceed into the apartment. As I go through, there's nothing that has change. The silence and darkness still evades the hallway.

I am in the doorstep of our apartment unit. I sigh as I scan the card into the scanner. The door swung open and the face of the three pops into my face. Yeah, I know they are awake but why the hell did they waited for me?

End of the Chapter 22

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Dedicated to Lizaaidoo & brilyantengtinta

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