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Chapter 39: Can you escape?

Dusky, this is a dusky place. It is where the angered beast is. The beast that will surely bleed them today. Her blazing eyes, bloody red lips and clenched jaw complimented the eerie ambience of the place. Today is the day of her prosperity. Today will be the day that she will take her bloody Wicked Spin with her.

Mrs. Margaux sighed loudly before she smirked. "The devil is back!" she whispered confidently.

The auditorium is ready to be used for the Wicked Spin ceremony. The sports festival was paused because of these matter. Three days ago, Mrs. Margaux caught Estelle and Theo and now they are going to face the wicked spin owing to their sin.

Today is a very gloomy day. The clouds are dark and it's very windy. Despite of the bad weather, Mrs. Margaux Rivera walked into the auditorium proudly. Every students move away from her as if she is a virus. Instead of being offended, she smirked and feel proud.

"Right. You should know who to be scare of."

When she arrived at the auditorium, some of the seats are already filled. Today, the auditorium will probably be full because today is a profane day. She smiled as she walk into the stage. Whispers started spreading like a wildfire.

On the other hand, Theo and Estelle is still in their jail. Three days ago, they are still looking fine but today, they looked awful. Estelle and Theo's eyes looks tired. They started getting big eye bags for not sleeping. Their skin went very dry as well as their lips. They lost her color and their hair is messy. Both of them loss some weight in just three days. Both of them were physically weak. Thankfully, they still can urinate and poop if they are feeling like doing it.

They slowly lifted their head when a noise of the key was heard in place. Both of them didn't react because of the tiredness of their bodies. Two men entered each jail and grabbed the both of them. They can't even resist the men because of the extreme weakness. The men held their arms so that they won't fall.

They ventured into another room but it is not cold anymore. Two big black boxes was seen in that certain room. The man pushed them into each boxes without even increasing their natural force. Estelle's tear fell when she can't even feel her body. The men harshly closed the boxes. It is dark inside and Estelle can't help but to feel slight comfort.

Who says darkness can't comfort you? Sometimes we think that the only thing that can make us feel heaven is light. But how about the time we sleep. Don't we turn the light off so that we can sleep comfortably?

The boxes started moving. The men pulled those boxes into the auditorium through an underground passageway. The passageway is connected to every certain building inside the Underground Academy. The way they are taking is going into the auditorium.

"Good morning, Underground Students." Mrs. Margaux smiled wickedly.

Some of the audience greeted her, many did not bother to answer and there are some that started whispering with each other instead of greeting her.

Mrs. Margaux sighed. "Aren't you excited to witness the first ever wicked spin ceremony?" The crowd went silent. "Aren't you excited to see the person who we will be punishing today is the one who proposed this rule?"

The area was suddenly filled with whispers. The eleven cloaked men entered the auditorium.

Mrs. Margaux suddenly smirked. "This must be them. Thank God I'm prepared. If they are planning something, I'll still have the last laugh."

The eleven cloaked men lined up in front of platform. Suddenly, Mrs. Margaux was stunned when instead of doing something, the cloaked men seated on the front row. Mrs. Margaux shrugged her shoulders and smirked.

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