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Chapter 29: What's with those words?

Estelle glanced at Oliver. He sighed and look away. What's his problem?

"Damn this," Estelle thought.

After a few moments, the HOLE Squad is approaching the shuttle service. They were at the vacant cottage in a Mall a while ago and this time they are already inside the shuttle. The driver is wearing a suit with gloves on his hand and he is acting very formal.

The HOLE Squad was silent. Loris and Heartle are looking at the way. Estelle is looking at the dark skies. Oliver is looking at the floor. The driver himself is silent. The dead air makes the ambience heavy.

Few moments later, they arrived at auditorium and still they are being silent. Loris is leading the way, as usual. He was followed by Heartle, Oliver and then Estelle. The auditorium is already noisy. The disco music is playing while the HOLE Squad was entering the auditorium.

Tonight, the auditorium doesn't like one. The original seats are being pulled and replaced by a long rectangular table with new foamed chair. Though, all of it are still facing the stage. The disco lights are everywhere. The disc jockey is Smalam Mackenzie which is highly recommended by Calfroy himself.

The HOLE Squad proceeded to the front part because it is where they are assigned. The other seats are already filled with students in different costumes. At the platform, you can see Celestine dressed just like Thinker Belle. Together with her is Kylian Maxence which is dressed like a royalty.

Suddenly, the music stops as Kylian and Celestine approached the microphones. Heartle, Oliver, Loris and Estelle are already in their assigned seats when Celestine and Kylian settled on the platform. Both of them scanned the area while having a friendly smile.

"Good evening, dames and nobles. I am Celestine Fossétte with—"

"Kylian Maxence," Kylian said immediately.

"Together, we are honored to welcome you tonight for the opening ceremony of our first ever sports festival!" Celestine and Kylian said in unison.

Both of them bowed and lift their heads after. "We won't let you all waiting."

"A gathering is best started by a musical and lyrical pleasure. So—"

Celestine glances at the audience. "Let's here a harmonious performance from our very own, Estelle Clemnence. A round of applause for her."

The audience started clapping as soon as Estelle stood up. The curtain on the platform is already up and revealed the newly furnished grand piano. Estelle approach it while pulling herself out. She is not nervous but their is something in her system that she can't figure out. What is that?

She seated on the chair and sigh. She started playing the instrumental while closing her eyes. "I have no idea what you went through. I thought that your alright. Why are you trying to hide?" Estelle sang the opening stanza.

Everyone stopped talking. They faced Estelle on the stage and listen to her music. At the same time, Mrs. Margaux entered the auditorium alone. She stopped at the midway when she saw Estelle on the piano with a spotlight on top.

"You are breaking me into pieces. I don't know why you are not listening to your heart. Why do you want me to go? And I know you will never stopped me even if it changes or not..."

A tear on Mrs. Margaux's eyes fell into her cheeks. Heartle bit her lips. Oliver bowed his head. Loris stares at Estelle while biting his lower lip. The others are silently listening to Estelle except for one. There is this one person behind the backdrop which is singing with Estelle. He is holding a microphone but he didn't use it.

"Though, I'll be out there waiting for your presence. I'll be where two worlds would meet. Remember if you feel alone, I'll be right in the space beside you. We can meet somewhere in our hearts."

After that, Estelle's eyes started crying out. The tears are freely falling but her voice is well maintained. Loris suddenly felt a feeling of sadness. He glanced at Estelle and his breathing became uneasy.

"What's wrong with me?" Loris thought.

"I'll always be in the space beside you..." Estelle sang the last lyrics.

Estelle stopped playing the piano and stood up. She left the platform while wiping out her tears. Loris immediately stood up and assist Estelle on the stairs. Loris was stunned when Estelle clinged on him while sobbing.

Loris sighed heavily. He just continuously tapped Estelle's head while the girl is still crying. The place became very silent. Everyone is on their seats without even having unnecessary movements. What just happened?

Kylian and Celestine exchanged glances. Celestine glared at Kylian. Kylian frown but eventually marched into the platform. Despite of a heavy heart, Kylian smiled at the audience to lift the mood.

"Woah!" Kylian sigh heavily. "That was calmingly heart breaking." The place became silent again. "So at this juncture, let's welcome Mrs. Margaux Rivera, our beloved principal, to give her message. A round of applause please."

No one even dared clapping their hands. Mrs. Margaux shakes her head and stood up. She walked into the platform while she slowly pulled her mind. She sigh as she walk on the stairs. She smirked as she faced the students.

"Good evening, hijos and hijas." She sigh while examining the place. "Tonight is the night that I promised you a week ago. Starting tomorrow, the most awaited Sports Festival is finally happening!" she said in an excited manner.

The place is still silent. No one talked or even clapped. But despite of that reaction, Mrs. Margaux chuckled.

She stopped chuckling. "But that is not all of it, tonight is the official rebirth of Underground Academy." A sly smile appeared in her face. "Months ago, the first ever transferee came—Oliver, Estelle, Loris and Heartle. Those four made me realize how boring ourselves here in UA."

Everyone's eyes widened. Estelle even stopped sobbing when she heard that. She lean back and turn her body into the smiling Margaux Rivera.

"This is bad," Estelle thought.

"Those four gave me many ideas. They actually completed me, my mind and whole being." She licked her lower lip. "So, I decided to give Underground Academy an upgrade. This upcoming days and months will be unique! So you better stay tuned! Adiós," Mrs. Margaux said before leaving.

The audience is speechless. The ambience became heavier. Everyone is stunned to the point that it produced a dead air. Only the glow from the disco lights are moving. Mrs. Margaux's shoes is the only one that is making noise. This is an eerie feeling that everyone couldn't deny.

Celestine braced herself. There must no dead air like this because if there is, it only means that they are a bad host. She can't take that. She stood up and smiled. "What a goosebumping message we got from our principal!"

Celestine glanced at Kylian and glared at him. Kylian immediately stood up and followed Celestine. "Yeah, that's right! What should we do next?"

Celestine faced the crowd with a smile. "Let the night begin!"

End Of Chapter 29

I'm sorry for being not good in writing lyrics. I suck, right?

Other works:




Dedicated to mariahenerala, Richy1802 & stxrmibxtch

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