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Chapter 35: Do you know what happened?

Theo is silently walking into the west wing or the faculty quarters area because it is where his unit is located. He is wearing an unsual white tee, denim above-the-knee shorts and a duffel bag. His pace slowed down a bit when he felt something. He took a deep breath and stopped. He put his other hand on his pocket and the other one is in the strap of the bag.

"Uh-huh," he mumbled loudly.

Estelle rolled her eyes. She started walking into Theo in a grumpy-soft pace. Her steps were soft and her presence isn't that strong so why did Theo knew that she was actually there? It just don't make sense. Estelle stopped when she is two meters away from Theo.

Theo smirked. "You're getting creepier, Sexy-tary."

He slowly turn his body around while still smirking. But that smirk vanished when he saw Estelle's neck. His jaw clenched and he immediately started approaching Estelle.

"Stop!" Estelle said firmly while raising her two palms.

Theo paused but his teeth are grinding pass each other. Estelle rolled her eyes while shaking her head. Then, she took a deep breath and pulled her hands down. She stared at Theo while her hands are on her pocket.

"Keep me," Estelle mumbled softly.

Theo frowned but his heart started beating rapidly.

"I need you to keep me," Estelle said while turning his head upward because of her shamelessness.

"You don't need to ask that, silly," Theo thought as he smirked.

"Look." Estelle looked at Theo straight from pupil to pupil. "I got this bruise" —She held her neck— "from your crazy admirers." She narrowed her eyes. "So, it's your responsibility to keep me until I recover!"

Theo chuckled and then he smirked. "I am not a doctor, Estelle." He remove his hand on his pocket and pointed the east wing. "That's your apartment building. Why would I keep you?"

Estelle closed her eyes intently. "Fine!" She opened her eyes and narrowed it. "I don't want them to worry!"

Theo's smirk vanished and he started walking into Estelle's direction. "And it's okay to let me worry?" Theo whispered softly.

Estelle's brow shot up. "What did you say?" she whispered.

Theo stopped walking and slanted his head bit. "Come with me."

Estelle's eyes widen. Theo immediately turn his body around and started strolling. Estelle blinked her eyes. Then, Estelle immediately shrug her shoulder and followed Theo.

"Theo must be crazy like he smirked, got angry suddenly, smirked again, whispered something weird and let him keep me without asking further questions. Weird," Estelle thought while following Theo.

Theo waited for Estelle to enter the elevator since Estelle is walking like turtle's pace. He closed his eyes eyes for a minute and take a deep breath.

This following days will surely be hard for him, but isn't this is what he wanted in the first place? This kind of scenarios has been giving him false hopes. Fate has been giving him the chances like this but in the end, fate is always keeping them apart. Should he savour this moment while it last or think of a way that will possibly keep them both together?

Theo lifted his fist and punched the wall.

"You're crazy," Estelle whispered.

Theo turned his head on Estelle's direction while glaring at her. "You have no idea."

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