How you were Found

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                        —— Steve's POV ——
     "Nat, did you find anything?" "I've got files, Steve, what's that sound?" I turn around, searching the room, I find a baby.
       "Nat, I found a baby girl." I say, I pick up the baby, there's a little wristband on the basket, "Y/N Rogers." I pick her up, she coos and nestles into me.
     I carry her with me, "Nat?" "What is it, Steve?" "Is there like some way I can carry her and still fight?" I say into the comms, "Well, you're not far from me. So I can come to you." "Thanks."
      I stand with the baby in my arms, "Oh little one, I've got you." I feel my heart fill with joy and this need to hold her and never let go.
       Nat says "She looks like you, except the hair, it's not even blond." "It's a dark brown."she nods, "She has your chin and ears." I nod, "I'm gonna do a body wrap." I nod, "Ok." Nat fixes me up so (Y/N) lay on my chest.

(Found picture online, please don't judge)     We take down the rest of the guards and we get closer to the Quinjet

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(Found picture online, please don't judge)
    We take down the rest of the guards and we get closer to the Quinjet. Tony says "Make a friend, Capsicle?" "No. I found my daughter I didn't know I had." Tony looks at me stunned, Bruce says "Do you know anything?" "No, except she's my kid and it's a girl." he nodded. "Why don't I take some blood work when we're at the compound?" I nod, "Friday?" "Yes, Captain?" "Can you order me stuff for a baby this big?" "Certainly." "Thanks, Fri."
     I sit there with her on me, she gurgles, "I know, sweetie, I'm gonna give you a bath and make you feel better." she coos.
     Fury and Hill meet us on the runway, "Captain, you all need to attend a debriefing." Hill asks "What's attached to your chest?" I put a finger to my lips, "She fell asleep. She's my daughter, apparently, Hydra grew with my DNA." Fury nods, "Congratulations, Captain."

A/N: Sorry about the cliffhanger!!

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