Family Arguments

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                    —— Steve's POV ——
     Oh my, how can this day get any better. My daughter doesn't want to talk, Peggy is currently out of commission for repairs/enhancements. Sam is mad about something. Bucky is staring at the wall. Tony's barking up Nat's tree about Clint who's in the vents hiding. Thor is watching some movie on the couch with me, Wanda left to go back to Scotland with Vis. Bruce is reading something about science.
        Eventually they turn to me, "Can you help us?" "Yes, I'll make this loud and clear: y'all need to eat your sh** and grow up. Cause I'm trying to rest and watch a movie!!!" they stare at me stunned, yes I can cuss, "Now go do something in another room, before I get much pissier!!!" they all rush out of the room, except Bruce.
"Steve, can we talk?" "No!" "Ok, I'm leaving." I might be mad but ugh, these people are supposed to let me rest, Thor says "Captain, may I be of some assistance?" "Thor, I'm ok." "Something inside of you has changed." "I know, Thor, I just feel like they're breathing down my neck cause of the scare." "Perhaps a visit to Asgard would do you of some good?" "Only if Y/N can come with if she'd like too." "Certainly, perhaps a bit of some freedom shall do you good." "Do I need to pack anything?" "No, it will provided for on Asgard. You will be staying in the palace." "Thanks, Thor." "We also have remarkable healers if you were to have another health scare while there." "Thank you." he nods.
—— (Time Skip) ——
Y/N walks onto the floor, "Dad?" "Yeah, on the couch, got any homework?" "No, it's spring break." "How about a trip to Asgard?" "With Uncle Thor?!" "Yes." "Awesome!!!" "Your father needs a refreshing break from Earth." "I know he does Thor, the others told me he turned into an old grump who needs to nap." "Oh c'mon!!" "Dad, they told me, so I do think Asgard will amazing but fresh air and no pollution as well!" I nod, "Dad, do I need to pack anything?" "No, honey, Thor said what we need will be on Asgard." "Yahoo!!!"
Uncle Thor says "I'm ready to go, Captain, Y/N you two ready as well?" I nod, so does ladybug. We make our way to the top of the building, "Heimdall, open the BiFrost!" and boom we're on our way to Asgard.
          We land on Asgard, my legs feel like Jello. Thank goodness for my braces and crutches with me. Thor says "Are you ok, Captain, it must be the travel?" "Yeah." "Heimdall, do you have the meds that help humans?" "Yes, here you go, m'lord." "Thank you, Heimdall. Captain, Y/N, take this, it should help." "Thank you, Thor." she hugs her uncle.
We make our way to the city, "Mother, I have brought human family from Midgard." "Hello, Thor, you must be?" "I'm Captain Steven Grant Rogers and this is my daughter, Y/N Y/M/N Rogers." she curtsies to Lady Frigga. "No need for such formality, Y/N, you are family to us since you're family to Thor on Earth." "Captain, have you been unwell?" "Yes, your majesty, I fell ill 10 months ago. I've been battling this grueling illness. Unfortunately the drug has not left my system. It still causes some impairments and plausible setbacks that cause scare." "Captain, you can talk earth like, I won't judge." "Sorry, ma'am, just trying to be respectful." "Steven, it's sincere you're trying your best, you're a guest in the palace. Let my healers take a look to see what causes the problem." I nod, I shuffle along, Thor says "Let me help you, Steve." "Thor, I can do it." "Captain, you're going to fall if you don't let me assist. Your daughter will be taken care of, you need to get some rest." "Ok, Thor, I'll accept and quit being a badger to you." "Apology accepted, Steve." he cradles me in his arms to take me to the healers.

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