That's not what I taught you, Y/N!!

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(A/N: I would love to learn to ride a motorbike but I don't have gear for it, if I could have a beginners bike it would so be a Kawasaki Ninja 650 ABS KRT edition. Sorry about riding a motorcycle mistake, l've never ridden.
—— Steve's POV ——
       Y/N sits on the replica of a motorcycle in the lab, with a VR headset that literally feels like riding down New York and the highways with interstates. She hits the throttle, "That's not what I taught you, Y/N!! You're supposed to do this with the foot pedal then you can speed up on the throttle."  it takes us a few hours to go over everything and she finally gets the hang of it. "You ready for a permit?" then it hits me, she's 7 months old, not even a year. SHIELD needs to be called, shoot!
         "Dad?" "Yeah?" "What's wrong?" "I need to call some people." "Ok." "Thanks, ladybug." Peggy smiles and kisses me, "Teaching our baby to ride?" "Yeah, but she needs a permit." "Ok, Steve, go make sure she can get one." "I know, I'm going to go figure that out." I call up Fury who says "Captain, she's under shield records, so we'll send her a license, she'll need to take a knowledge test and a motor skills test & pass then she can be on the open road." "Thank you, sir." "You're welcome, Cap." I hang up, "Well?" "She just has to pass motor skills & a knowledge test." Peggy nods, "This oughta be fun." I nod, I walk back to the lab.
            I open the door, Y/N is standing there, "Can I get a license?" "Yes, but it you will need to pass a knowledge & motor skill test." she nods, "Ok." We look at motor skill booklets and watch tests online. I prep her to the best of my ability for tomorrow.
                       —— (Time Skip) ——
     "Dad?" I hear, "Dad?" I open my eyes, "Oh hey, what time is it?" "Try 12:00 noon." "Oh, I slept in." "Yeah, Bruce wants to check you over to make sure you're doing better and that this wasn't the start of a setback." I nod, Bruce comes in, "Well?" "I never knew him to sleep like a rock." Peggy stands there, "Steve, Y/N had been trying to wake you up for 10 minutes." I look down, this is bad. I feel tears slide down my cheeks, "Could we have a moment alone?" Bruce asks, they leave and shut the door.
Bruce sits on the chair, "Steve, how are you feeling?" "Tired." he writes it down, "How's your hands? Any shakiness?" I shake my head, "No, I've been doing so well." "Steve, that's what we thought at first that you were just tired because you were processing it all. I need to take some blood, ok?" I nod, they're worried and I can hear Y/N in the hall sniffling. Bruce leaves after takes my blood, "Steve, just take it easy today? Use both of your crutches." I nod, they're worried. This is a possible setback, they didn't want this to happen, neither did I.
—— (Time Skip) ——
I walk with Y/N down to the garage, I hid her bike in my parking space with my other bikes as well. I got her a Kawasaki Ninja 650 ABS KRT edition. It's really easy to learn on, which will help. (Found online, please don't judge, but feel free to gawk at the price.)

      I look to see her expression, it's shock

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    I look to see her expression, it's shock. "Dad, you drive Harleys." I shrug, "Kiddo, you get this one because the display will be easier. Anyway, my old Harley is in the Smithsonian so I can't exactly ride that." she nods and hugs me, "Plus, you'll be my Kawasaki girl, and I'll be the Harley man." she busts a gut laughing.
       I stand there as she looks at it, "Dad, this is insane!" "Here's my rules: always wear your helmet, don't drive like an idiot unless you decide to join the avengers but that's if Fury approaches or you have to come with us, then you'll be driving alongside and you'll have two bikes like me." she nods.

" she nods

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