The Press Conference

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                     —— Pepper's POV ——
          I stand there behind the podium, this is probably the hardest press conference I've ever done and will do.
        "Hello, thank you all for coming on short notice. I'm sure most of you have seen the images of Captain America in a wheelchair floating around on social media which has caught your attention. As of late, the Captain has fallen ill due to a drug that he was injected with. Over the course of these past weeks, our family has gotten bigger because of his illness. He now has a child which you've seen in the images as well. We will not be releasing information about his daughter due to his requests and says to please leave her alone and if you don't, you will meet papa bear and I will assure you, that you don't want to be on his bad side. I will now take questions."
       "How bad has the illness affected Captain America?" "It is to the point where Mr. Stark built the Captain a robot to assist him with daily tasks." "Is he showing any signs of getting better?" "Yes, he is, last night we had a miracle on this long road of recovery." "How is his daughter handling this?" "I can assure of you reporters one thing, she's strong like her father and perseverance is a quality that has been passed on to her as well. That's all the time I have."
                     —— (Time Skip) ——-
    I get back to the floor we're all living on, "What'd you think?" "It's....good." "I'm glad you approve, Steve, because it was horrible." "I....ssaw." "You're getting stronger each day, that's good." he nods, "Y/N fell asleep." "Well, Uncle Tony likes to teach her stuff about cars and Peter works with her on math. So she is getting a well rounded education." Steve smiles and nods.

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