Therapeutic Stretching

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—— Your POV ——
You watched your Mom who you finally figured out was a cyborg with some extreme programming. You didn't care, you loved her no matter what. Your Mom wheeled your father over to the couch and gently transferred him to the soft cushioned area. She propped him up with several pillows of a variety to color.
(Found this online, please don't judge)

    Your Dad was propped up, Clint had made dinner, your Uncle Bruce had a nutrient bag hung up on the IV pole for your Dad

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Your Dad was propped up, Clint had made dinner, your Uncle Bruce had a nutrient bag hung up on the IV pole for your Dad. Your Mom moved your Dad's leg out to stretch them, he smiled, you grinned back, "Steve, is that helping?" Bruce asked, he nodded weakly, "It helps." Bruce noticed that Peggy was also massaging his feet and leg to loosen up the muscle that was going tight but also to keep circulation going smoothly.
Your Dad felt better after the stretching, you sat by him, telling him about stuff you learned while he was in the MedBay. Aunt Nat noticed Steve's eyelids start to droop, and put a finger to her lips to get everyone to whisper much quietly or put their phones on silent so they wouldn't disturb the sleeping super soldier. You pulled out your little device that Uncle Tony made for you, Cellular service was turned on as soon as you left the allotted floors you lived on.
Your Uncle Bucky draped a weighted blanket over your Dad who snored softly. You had taken a picture with your device to put in the scrapbook you and Pepper wanted to do with Nat. Then Wanda wrote, "Hey guys, what's up with Steve?" "Dad isn't feeling too good." she nodded, she had flown in from Scotland because of what Tony had asked.
       Over text Uncle Bruce explained what happened, he did. Aunt Wanda came to hug you. She had been filled in on the Quinjet of Steve's baby girl but not his condition. Your Uncle Vision was interesting to talk too. He understood some of what was happening, but he also took the time to play dolls with you and house. Which you thoroughly enjoyed, he taught you basic cooking skills.
                 ——— (time skip) ———
    You woke up from your floor bed, you walked out to the living room, Uncle Vis was making breakfast. Wanda was laughing about something. You looked for your Dad, you wondered if last night was rough. Your Mom said "Hey sweetheart, you hungry?" you nodded, Mom smiled and picked you up and carried you to the kitchen stool. She sat down beside you, you grabbed the tic-tac-toe board, and you played against her. The real body of your cybernetic mom was a woman who had been in the Army with your Dad and lived through WWII. So your Mom smiled when she beat you in the game, "Mom!" "Sweetie, I was in the army, I know a thing or two about strategy." you nodded. Then breakfast came, you still hadn't seen your Dad.
      "Where's Dad?" "He's still asleep, darling. He had a bit of a rough night, he got a bath, he sort of fought me about that, but he's all cleaned up. He threw up off & on through out the night, it was mostly drive heaves." "Yikes." she nods, "I'm sorry, Y/N, but I don't think he's gonna feel good enough to do anything today." "Could we watch movie then?" "You can ask him, be prepared if he falls asleep through them though. But I think it'll lift his spirits to see his best girl." You smile, the other Avengers overheard your conversation, some were already training.
     When in walked Uncle Sam, who had met you briefly but got busy and hadn't come to the tower till today. "Uncle Sam?" "Hey kiddo, where's your Dad?" "He's asleep." "Can I go wake him up? We're supposed to I missing something?" Bruce nodded, "Ok, this is it. Clint go yell at the sky for Thor to come here." Clint got up and went to the elevator to go to the top of the building for Thor to come.
                       —— (Time Skip) ——
     You finally met your Uncle Thor, "Hello, daughter of Steve." "Hiya, Uncle Thor." he smiled and hugged you, Jane, Darcy, Dr. Selvig, those who were considered family of the Avengers. Peter to you was like a cousin when you met him, cause Tony gave him nicknames, while Thor called "Peter Son of Tony."
  (Please don't judge, found it online)

You all sat around the table, every single avenger had shown up who were close to Steve

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You all sat around the table, every single avenger had shown up who were close to Steve. Then there was a blond woman.

           "Hi, I'm Sharon Carter

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           "Hi, I'm Sharon Carter. I'm also Agent 13, I was assigned to Steve's case." Tony nods, "Did Fury send you?" "Partially, he just wanted to know if the kid's ok. And I'm here because I care, he lived across the hall from me." you nod, "Hi Y/N, I'm sorry about your dad being sick." "It's ok, it's not your fault you made him sick. Hydra did, and they should pay." "I agree. I take it he's napping?" "He sleeps a lot, but he's in pretty bad shape." she nods and hugs you. A lot of people hug you and they stay at the Tower to boost morale.

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