Canoes and Caves

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—— Clint's POV ——
I paddle the canoe along the river, Y/N sits at the front. I look at everything around me, it's going to be brutal come winter, very brutal. I didn't know I'd become nomadic with Y/N by my side.
    What I do know that Hydra's intent with Y/N was to turn her into a glorified killing machine. That's not what we believe in, so we saved her. Now she's a large wolf.
                (Found online, don't judge)

   Well, she's going to be safe for a long time

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   Well, she's going to be safe for a long time. Unless she becomes hunted, great. This is worse than I thought. She's gonna be taxidermied to some person's wall. I now have to stick with her until she can fend for herself.
       I see a group of people, she howls, they wave us over. One man approaches, "I see you've made a friend." I nod, "She's quiet intelligent." "Yeah, she is." "She seems like the type who protects those close to her." "Yeah." "Perhaps you would like to join us?" "Ok." I never turn down free stuff.
     "So what brought you to the woods?" "I got bored of civilization, plus it just got to be too much." he nods, we talk. Y/N lays at my feet and decides to look up at me then falls asleep.
    "I've never seen a wolf like her." "Me either." "I can assure you of one thing, she will stay by your side." I nod, "We've seen the news by paper. Captain America's daughter is missing along with the archer named Hawkeye." I nod, "Its hard to believe but how'd Captain America get a daughter?" "Rumor is that she was found on a Hydra base." he nods, "Very sickening organization, Hydra is." I nod, we keep talking.
                   —— Steve's POV ——-
    I hobble around to the lab, "Any idea?" "Well, Canada or Alaska. But both have a lot of acres of woodlands. And since she has powers we could be looking for anything out of the ordinary." I nod, "How about the weird thing you do with the heat?" "You mean look for irregular heat signatures?" "Yeah, whatever that means." they nod, "Well, I'm going to send out jets that can look." I nod, "Anyone on foot?" "There's a small group of people in the woods in Alaska. Send a suit?" "Sure. We might get some intel." Peggy says "I can go." "Ok, Carter you're in the suit." she nods and let's it close around her.  This is a rough night, I need to sleep, there's the couch, all nice and comfy. I'm going to sit down.
                  —— (Time Skip) ——
    I must've fallen asleep because I hear "Steve, we've found Clint! C'mon man, wake up!!!" "Ok, I'm awake, Tony, I'm awake!!" I open my eyes, "Ready to go?" I nod, we load the jet. 
     We land at some area in Alaska, "Hi, have you seen this person?" "Yes, went down the river with a large wolf on his canoe." "Thank you." we see them, "Pull the canoe over." Clint does, "Hey amigos." I grab him and lift him off the ground, the wolf at his side, growls at me, "Who are you?" I ask, the wolf growls, Clint says "Don't hurt the wolf, please, leave the wolf alone." they nod, "Let's take the wolf with us." "No, just leave the wolf here."
Nat walks up to Clint with an angered look, "So, Clint, what's so special about this wolf?" "She's a very good friend." "Is the wolf a human? Perhaps it's Y/N?" Y/N snarls and barks then howls then a whole pack shows up, all about the same size of Y/N.
They all turn into humans, "Yeah, she found us last night. We don't remember the last time we were human, we've been wolves for like 10 years now. This is our territory, and we don't appreciate normal humans to cross it. Just because your kid, chose to stay with us. So move it or lose it." they turn back into large wolves.
Steve says "Get the wolf and Clint." I watch Y/N growl at everyone, "Y/N it's me, sweetie." she whimpers and then changes into a human, Nat hands her a towel. "Y/N, you're a were..." "Werewolf, I know but I don't respond to moon cycles though."

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