License & Change of Command

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—— Steve's POV ——
I take her to Shield with me, we have our bikes in the back of my truck, "You nervous?" she nods, "Honey, there's nothing to be nervous about, it's just two tests then you can be like a normal teen." "Dad, I'm not normal." "Ladybug, with you, everything is normal, except you've got my DNA and super soldier serum in your body that's your not so normal." she smiles, "How's PT?" "Well, I'm now officially on just my leg braces." "That's awesome!!" I nod, we pull into the Shield parking lot.
—— (Time Skip) ——
I lean against the truck, "Dad?" "Yeah, ladybug?" "I passed!!!" "Congratulations, honey!!" I hug her, "This is going in the photo album!" she nods, Maria walks up, "Well, Cap, your daughter is really good at riding and how's PT been?" "That's good to know. I'm down to just using my leg braces which is helpful, my legs are doing much better at movement. I still nap a lot." "Well, Steve, you need more rest than normal, you're still recovering." "I know, Maria, I just want to do my normal activities." "Believe me, Banner knows." "How'd you find that out?" "You're top priority and along with your daughter, Hydra's been watching the fall of you and the growth of your daughter." "Maria, how bad is it?" "Hydra is trying to make an aerosol can have the same effect as injection. So, once you fully return to active duty, you will be wearing a gas mask on missions but your daughter is immune to whatever Hydra has made because of she was created in Hydra." "What about Uncle Bucky?" Y/N asks, "Your Dad could end up with a relapse that has a high chance of being permanent and Bucky might have a chance of recovery like your Dad." Y/N nods, "So you both need robotic doubles." I nod, Y/N looks at me, "Ladybug, I'll be active duty, I just won't be in the field." "Oh." "Yeah, so when the rest go on missions, Uncle Bucky and I will stay at the tower." she shrugs, "I'm not a hover parent." "I know, Dad, Mom is sooo much worse." "Who's so much worse?" "Hi Mom." "Hi sweetie, I brought you and your Dad something to snack on figuring you two might be hungry." she nods, "Thanks, Peggy." Maria says "Y/N, you're now partial duty as well." "What's that mean?" "Your uncle Tony will be mad, it just means you're an avenger learner." "Oh." "Don't worry, you're getting paid, but you will only go on the missions that need everyone." I nod, "So I'm like Dad?" "Kinda." Maria says, "I gotta go, see y'all round." "Thanks, Maria!" she goes inside.
           We load up the truck and head home. We go eat at a small diner in the countryside. I eat two cheeseburgers and so Y/N. We talk, "Well?" "I have been thinking about returning to active duty, ladybug." "Dad, you're Captain America. You can do anything." "Honey, it's not that easy." "Shoot, Fury's calling." I answer the phone, "Hello?" "Hi Steve." "Maria, what's going on?" "You're now in charge of Shield." "I'm the commander." "Fury just quit." "As in retired?" "Yes." "Ok, when do I start?" "Monday." "Well, I'm still Captain, so ok. Thank you, Maria." "Have a good rest of the weekend." I hang up the phone and put it back in my jacket.
"Dad, what was that about?" "I'm the new commander of Shield." "Oh." I nod, we drive back home.
—— (Time Skip) ——-
I ride up in the elevator, "Hey guys." "Congratulations Cap!!" Clint says, "You know?" "Fury visited then disappeared." "The pirate is gone!!" Tony shouts, he's getting drunk on whiskey this'll be a fun night. Nat says "You ok?" "No. My daughter just got her motorcycle license and now I'm the commander of Shield." she nods, Peggy says "Steve?" "Yeah, Pegs?" "Y/N is wondering if you can take her to a book store." "Ok, that will wait for Monday afternoon." she nods, and walks off.
Who knew raising a kid could be like this. I love her but she hasn't hung out with friends. I hear "Can I go to Ned's with Peter?" "Ok!" I holler. She's not the party type thankfully.

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