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                        —— Steve's POV ——
     I enter the shield compound on Monday. Y/N is at school, "Hello, Maria." "Good morning, Commander." "Just call me Cap or whatever you and Stark have for nicknames." she nods, "Well, I see you don't like the commander title well." "No, I don't." she nods, "What do you have for me today?" "Meet with the WSC, Avengers mission briefing and then another meeting." I nod, my phone buzzes, "Peter, what's wrong?" "Uncle Steve, the schools on a lockdown." "Ok, where's Y/N?" "That's the thing Uncle Steve, she's hiding and she's taking down the crazy people." "I'm on my way." Maria says "Steve?" "Assemble the Avengers and have them meet at Midtown Tech." she nods.
                       —— (Time Skip) ——-
    It's an alien invasion with Hydra. Screw this bull poop I'm going in. Tony says "Cap?" "I got a plan, run in and defeat!!" Tony says "Ok, this is different." I shrug, "Well, let's go." "Hey Spiderman! You here to help?" "Yeah." "Ok, you stay with Iron Man. Clint, Nat, you know what to do. Thor, just swing your hammer and knock down the bad guys." he nods, Maria says "You're going in there, aren't you?" "My daughter is in there, does that answer your question." "Yes, here's a mask that way you can protect yourself." I put the mask on and run with my team. I may be a commander but I won't quit being an Avenger.
                   —— (Time Skip) ——
    I look around, "Hey Tony, any sign of Y/N?" "Yeah, she's holding her turf, she's doing hand to hand combat with one alien. Well, she got the funny insults from me, but her combat skills, are from Nat. But her strength and soul, that's all you Cap." "IS SHE HURT?" "Just a few minor scratches but she's all good." "MINOR SCRATCHES?!" Tony starts laughing over the comms. "Ok, I think Cap is in protective papa bear mode now." "Tony, I heard that." "Will you all just shut up." "Nat?" "Don't forget Clint and I along with everyone else can hear you & Tony argue like an old married couple!" I gulp, "Let's just finish the job and make sure everyone is safe." "Ok."
                     —— (Time Skip) ——
    I find my kid, she's in the hallway leaned up against a locker, "Hey Dad." "Hey sweetie, you ok?" "Just some scratches, I'll be fine." "Can I look?" "Ok." she shows me one on her arm, I can the one on her face, there's one on her ribs that goes around to her back, her back is shredded.
    "You're gonna need medical help, Y/N." "They'll leave scars but they're healing, just watch." in snap all I see are scars covering her. "Your healing is a lot faster than mine." she nods, but I'm worried about internal injuries that may not heal as fast.
I carry her to the quinjet, Bruce says "She's healed fast, just an IV and a CT to see if there's anything we might've missed." he hooks up an IV to Y/N, "It's ok, honey, it's ok." "I was supposed to go to Ned's with Peter and MJ." "How about they come here? I'm sure Uncle Tony won't mind, especially today." she nods, we land back on the tower. "Ok, debriefing is tomorrow morning, rest and recuperate till tomorrow at 9 am." they nod.
—— (Time Skip) ——
Y/N is moved to the MedBay, Bruce looks at her scans, "Well, your body is healing, which is good. I would recommend you take it easy." "No chair." "You won't have to, those are for your Dad." Bruce says, I nod, "Oh come on, Bruce, I'm down to just my braces." "Steve, that's good but you need to sit down ok?" "Fine." I sit down, Y/N is allowed to go. Bruce pulls up a stool, "Steve, I have to take blood. I know you're not happy about it." I nod, Bruce takes my blood, he looks at it, "Well?" he grins, "It's clear! No infection!!! How are you feeling though?" "A little tired." "Just take it easy as I've told your daughter." I nod, I get up to leave, when I walk out, Y/N is standing there, "Hi ladybug." "I'm tired." "Yeah, movie?" "Ok" I nod, we go watch a movie.

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