Some Progress

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                       —— Your POV ——
     You sat beside your Dad at the dining room table, he still had an NG tube and a multitude of IVs. But he was starting to stay awake for longer, so you decided to play tic-tac-toe. His hands were still very shaky but not as bad as they've been, which brought hope to you and your Dad.
                      ——- (Time Skip) ——
     You went to the PT room in MedBay with your Dad, the Physical therapist came up to you, "Hi, I'm Adam." Bucky stood beside you, your Mom nodded. "I understand that you've been really sick. "Yed I ave." his speech was still terrible but it was understandable to a certain degree. "Will we work on motor functions for you to be mobile again." "O hey." he said with a grin. That's the happiest you've seen him in what feels like forever.
       Adam the therapist shows your Mom how to help your Dad with stuff. He fall asleep through his PT session, you couldn't help but snap a pic and send it to Aunt Nat, who replied with "He's worn out it looks like." you watched Adam wake your Dad up, and your Dad said "I'm 90 some years old, I have a right to nap." the therapist nodded and mouthed, "I think we'll try to do some more tomorrow when he's more alert." your Mom nodded and you all went back upstairs.
         You exited the elevator, Bruce asked "How was PT?" "He fell asleep through it." he smiled, "It was his first day, plus I took some blood earlier this morning." "How did it look?" you wanted to know, "Well, there's a lot still in his blood but not as much when he first started to get sick." you smiled and knew this was progress! A small miracle so far, but hoped it turned into a bigger one.
                    —— (Time Skip) ——-
   You watched Uncle Bruce and your Dad in the bedroom, he was removing the NG tube and placing in a better and cleaner one. Your Dad didn't want to get another one, but it had to be done because he still couldn't feed himself properly and you were all afraid of him choking if he ate something. He was getting stronger but when he was awake, the two of you would play checkers (the pieces were modified so they would be grabbed easier) and tic-tac-toe.
It was dinner time, you all sat at the table, you ate Mac & Cheese, your Dad was snoring rather loudly this time. So you had to record it for blackmail for years from now. You loved living in the Tower.
        He woke up near the end, your Mom squeezed his hand and whispered something in his ear, he smiled with a slight nod. You all moved to the assortment of couches. Everyone curls up against the couches or sits on it.
          (Please don't judge, found it online)

         You all watched movies, it was now fast approaching Christmas

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         You all watched movies, it was now fast approaching Christmas. So you all were watching a Rankin Bass Production called "A Year without a Santa Claus." and you loved it. You loved the music, your Dad tried singing along but it was garbled, but it brought tears to your eyes that he was trying so hard to be able to do what he wanted to do and play with you. You nimbly moved up onto his lap, and you felt his arms wrap around you, "I lob ooh." you smiled and said it back at him. He grinned so big it went from ear to ear, it made you thankful he was with you even if he couldn't do much of anything. He was always listening if you needed him to do so.
         Then Tony entered a bit later, "Hey Cap?" "Yee, Tomy?" "I made you motorized chair." your Dad was still battling the illness but you saw tears come out of your Dad's eyes, you wiped them away from his face.
         (Found this online, please don't judge)

     Uncle Bucky helped transfer your Dad, who's grinning like a boy in the candy store

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     Uncle Bucky helped transfer your Dad, who's grinning like a boy in the candy store. Your Dad was still terribly weak, but he kept trying to get better for you and himself. He now had a beard, it was getting scraggly, but you knew he needed to shave it soon. He could drive the chair all himself, with his hand weakly moving the joystick on the chair.
     Everyone smiled at what Tony had built for, and Tony hugged you. Your Dad had some mobility back now, which made him feel a bit more normal.

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